Greenway Minutes 2010 |
- Jan.13
- Feb.10
- Mar. 10
- Apr. 14
- May 12
- Jun 09
- Jul 14
- Aug 25
- Sep 15
- Oct 13
- Dec 08
I. New Greenway Development - Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvement Department, noted as reflected in the MRC Greenways subcommittee’s December meeting minutes that two business owners on South River Drive between 5 - 7 ST are concerned that the funded and planned Miami River Greenway in public right of way along South River Drive may limit access to the sites for trailered boats and trucks, and reductions in on street parking, yet the owners had expressed support for the aforementioned section of the Miami River Greenway with the following minor accommodations agreed upon by Greenways Chairman Martin:
- Widen the first 2 existing driveways to the west of 5 ST, and widen 2nd two driveways east of NW 7 ST
- Non-greenway upland side of South River Drive from NW 5 ST – NW 7 ST provide on street parking without bulb-outs
- Maximize street and minimize Greenway in small area between 5 ST Bridge and 1st two driveways to the east
- No on street parking reductions on NW 4 ST, NW 5 ST and NW 6 ST
Mr. Badia stated since the design has just commenced for this section, there are no drawings to present. Mr. Badia stated he would provide these comments to the project’s engineer, and asked for the business owners contact info in order for the project engineer to schedule a site visit to consider and address their concerns. Mr. Badia noted any potential bulb outs on the upland side of the street would not eliminate on street parking spots, rather only areas which would be no parking due to other conditions and regulations.
Mr. Badia presented and provided a copy of the 100% complete construction engineering documents for the “Spring Garden” section of the Miami River Greenway along North River Drive from the Greenways current disconnection at the Humpback Bridge over the Seybold Canal to the NW 12 Ave Bridge, funded by a FDOT grant to the City of Miami. Mr. Badia stated he met once again with residents regarding the project, previously approved by the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board after several adjustments made at the request of the residents. Mr. Badia stated the tree plantings, relocations, removals and pruning permit will be issued next week at the latest. Mr. Badia noted the trees were previously posted with three different types of notices of intent to issue permits, including tree relocations, pruning, and removal only if necessary for legitimate unavoidable reasons as determined by a widely respected independent arborist, Lisa Hammer, such as trees in poor condition. Mr. Badia noted some of the posted trees, such as the large Mahogany on 9th CT, are only posted for pruning, not removal or relocation. Greenways Chairman Martin and Mr. Bibeau asked if the relocation sites may include Spring Garden’s Point Park, and Mr. Badia replied he would meet with Ted Baker, City of Miami Parks Department about this idea. Mr. Badia added currently the plan is to also relocate some of the trees to adjacent portions of the streets within the small Spring Garden neighborhood. Mr. Badia and Chairman Martin added the fully funded and designed North River Drive Greenway will resolve a long standing flooding problem as well. Mr. Badia stated this project remains on the City of Miami economic stimulus expedite list, so the City is selecting a contractor whom in the 2nd quarter of 2010 would commence building the completed engineering documents with the awarded FDOT grant funding. The project connects directly into the Spring Garden Point Park and includes improvements to its entrance.
Mr. Badia presented and provided a copy of the 90% complete construction engineering documents for the “East Little Havana” Section of the Miami River Greenway along South River Drive from the Greenways current disconnection at NW 1 ST to the NW 5 ST Bridge, funded by a FDOT grant to the City of Miami. Mr. Badia stated he estimated the 100% complete construction engineering documents in 2-3 weeks, followed by a 45 day bidding process, with construction estimated to commence in second quarter of 2010. Mr. Badia agreed to investigate incorporating the currently publicly accessible riverfront pocket parks, public right of way owned by Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department where NW 2 ST dead ends into the Miami River and by AT&T where NW 1 ST dead ends into the Miami River, both along the planned on-road Greenway section. Mr. Bibeau thanked Mr. Badia and noted MRC funding and volunteers planted trees, plants and sod in these publicly accessible riverfront “pocket parks” along South River Drive. Mr. Badia stated he would contact Steve Massie, AT&T.
Mr. Badia stated the City is considering using some of the Congressional funding appropriated for the riverwalk at the NW 5 ST Bridge instead to be used for the Riverwalk in Lummus Park, and he wasn’t sure if the previously reported City’s recently appropriated $300,000 for the riverwalk in Lummus Park is still available. Mr. Bibeau stated in November flags were placed at future tree plantings estimated to be conducted in 2009, yet the planting is yet to occur and the flags along the street have been removed while the flags setback only three feet from the seawall remain. Mr. Badia stated the flagged future tree planting locations along the shoreline in Lummus Park should not create an obstruction within the planned 18’ wide unobstructed riverwalk, and he would meet with Ted Baker to review this further and determine a new planting estimated timeline and confirmed locations. Mr. Badia stated the City of Miami is willing to have their future riverwalk in Lummus Park meet with the elevation of the County’s adjacent riverwalk near the pump station, which is estimated to be constructed first at the elevation selected by the County. Mr. Badia added from a riverwalk user’s perspective a consistent elevation without grades is preferred and would be accomplished if the County increases their Riverwalk elevation as planned at the County’s pump station to meet the existing elevation of the City’s entire Lummus Park area, which will eventually include a connecting section of the riverwalk.
Mr. Badia stated FPL is making progress on installing the new decorative lights along the Miami River Greenway from I-95 to the southern edge of Lummus Park, and from the northern edge of Lummus Park to NW 6 Ave. Mr. Badia stated the City of Miami will include matching decorative lights along their future completion of the North River Drive on-road Greenway and riverwalk within Lummus Park, which is currently under design.
Mr. Badia stated the design and construction engineering documents would be completed for the following four sections of the Miami River Greenway by July 2010:
- South Shore - Miami Ave to Metro-Rail
- Lummus Park
- South River Drive NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) - NW 12 Ave
- South River Drive NW 5 ST Bridge - NW 7 ST
Mr. Badia noted FDOT awarded the City of Miami $4 million to design and construct the aforementioned sections of the Miami River Greenway, and the awarded FDOT funding would be jeopardized if the City doesn’t complete the construction engineering documents by the July 2010 deadline.
II. Miami River Greenway Governance – Mr. Bibeau provided an update regarding Miami-Dade County’s efforts to use the $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item in the GOB Bond Issue approved by the voters at referendum. Mr. Bibeau stated after Miami-Dade County presented their hired engineer’s 60% complete schematic drawings of 6 County owned sites where Greenway connectors are needed to extend existing sections of the publicly accessible Miami River Greenway, the County realized that on two of the sites a small portion of the depicted riverwalk connectors are located on private property, and County bond issues cannot be utilized on private property. Since then, two of the three riverfront private property owners indicated they are willing to donate the small slivers of private property to Miami Dade County, so the County may construct the riverwalks and seawalls as designed and fully funded by the County GOB line item. Miami-Dade County is now willing to accept the proffered donations of small needed riverfront private property required to connect and extend the public riverwalk, because County Public Works and Miami-Dade Transit are willing to accept the future maintenance of the County funded and construction sections of the Miami River Greenway on the County’s existing and additional public right of way donated to the County. The two general areas in question are immediately adjacent to the existing County public right of way on both sides of both shores beneath Metro-Rail. Currently Miami-Dade Transit pays Miami-Dade Public Works which pays a contractor to maintain the County’s existing public right of way beneath Metro-Rail. The one remaining property owner of the SE side, the Marg Brickell Estate, will be contacted by both the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County to offer extending the riverwalk and Seawall to the SE from Metro-Rail. Chairman Martin noted the several parcels to the SE of Metro-rail are leased by the Marg Brickell Estate to Benzol Properties, Mr. Hurskowitz, whom sub leases one of the 4 parcels to a new day care. GSC Chair Martin added the subject area has numerous potential issues, including not providing the 13.8 feet wide public access along the River per their executed City of Miami Class II Special Permit Final Decision executed September 23, 2008, the City Charter required setbacks for surface parking, etc. GSC Chairman Martin thanked the property owners and County for kindly offering and accepting the generous proffered donations of free small riverfront parcels (SW Metro-Rail from Neo Vertika Condo Association, NE and NW Metro-Rail from Keyes International), and the County’s accepting associated minimal maintenance for the County’s owned, funded and to be constructed sections of the Miami River Greenway, as previously presented by the County in various public meetings.
Mr. Bibeau indicated in November Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department provided the following updated, extended, estimated timeline to execute the agreement between the County and Miami Parking Authority, as required prior to stripping the existing parking lot on North River Drive and NW 3 ST, removing the fences, and installing meters for paid public parking:
- December – County finishes revisions to 1st draft agreement
- 1st Friday in January – WASD places drafted agreement on County Subcommittee agenda
- February – MDC Subcommittee considers agreement
- March – April – Board of County Commissioners considers agreement
Mr. Bibeau stated in December Ms Sara Leu, WASD, emailed she was still awaiting a draft of the agreement from GSA, but if she received it by the end of the month she would still be able to make the 1st Friday of January deadline to place the agreement on the BCC subcommittee agenda for a meeting in February, followed by the Board of County Commissioners in March or April. Mr. Bibeau noted there is a framed large picture hung in the SFWMD Miami-Dade regional service of the subject area circa 1990’s, showing the subject existing WASD North River Drive parking lot with existing drainage, stripped parking spots, and completely open to the public without any fencing around it.
III. New Development – MRC Managing Director Bibeau thanked the Honorable ST Representative Luis Garcia for his recent letter to FDOT Secretary Kopelousos encouraging FDOT to assist with the needs to extend the Miami River Greenway beneath the 5 ST and Brickell Bridges on the south shore as the public Greenway already exists along the north shore.
IV) Special Projects – The Greenways subcommittee noted the Federal, FDOT, MPO “Transportation Enhancement” grant applications, are due on March 5, 2010, and although the MRC is not an eligible applicant for the potential $1 million grants, the City of Miami and Miami-Dade are eligible applicants. Dr. Martin noted this grant program has resulted in $8 million for the Miami River Greenway, $3 million of which were awarded to applications co-authored by MRC Director Bibeau and submitted by the City of Miami. Therefore MRC Greenways subcommittee Chair Martin asked MRC staff to offer authoring grant applications to the City of Miami to design and construct a section of the publicly accessible riverwalk from the Brickell Bridge to Brickell on the River, and to the County to design and construct a section of the publicly accessible riverwalk at 1401-1407 NW 7 ST. Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami could cite the adjacent over $1 million for the Miami River Greenway section at the adjacent Miami Circle site and Miami-Dade County could cite their $7.5 million line item for the Miami River Greenway in their voter approved bond issue as the grant application’s local matching funding. This unfunded section would connect the publicly accessible riverwalk to the east at the Miami Circle which is being constructed this year, with a previously constructed and open public riverwalk at Brickell on the River to the west, which has direct access to the 5 ST Metromover Station. Mr. Bibeau stated it was his understanding that Spencer Crowley, FIND, mentioned this to the Chief of Staff for the District City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, and he was supportive. Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami CIP Department, stated he thought it was a good idea.
V) New Business
The Greenways Subcommittee confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST
The meeting adjourned. |
January 13, 2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) held a public meeting as regularly scheduled on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, on January 13, 2010, 2:00 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. GSC Chair Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting, and the attendance sheet is enclosed. The GSC’s previously distributed draft December 9, 2010 meeting minutes were accepted. |
I. Miami River Greenway Governance –
Volunteer Events: Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, announced the following recent and upcoming volunteer Miami River beautification events:
1) Saturday, February 6, 9-11 am, Miami River Greenway beautification along North River Drive from Lummus Park (NW 3 ST) to NW 6 Ave, Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9-11 am, replenishing plants and removing litter on Miami River Greenway along North River Drive with estimated 20 volunteers from the Young Professionals of the Historical Museum and MRC, including Honorable City Commissioner Frank Carollo
2) Saturday, February 20, 9-11 am, planting more fruits and vegetables in the community garden and removing litter along the Miami River shoreline at the Miami-Dade County Public Housing Agency at Robert King High Towers, 1407 NW 7 Street, with Hands on Miami and MRC volunteers
3) Saturday, March 13, 2010, 9-11 am, Miami River Greenway beautification - painting mural on SE side of 1st ST Bridge, replenishing plants and removing litter on Miami River Greenway along North River Drive, from Lummus Park (NW 3rd Street) to I-95, estimated over 100 volunteers from Hands on Miami and MRC
4) Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9-11 am, Miami River Greenway beautification - replenishing plants and removing litter on Miami River Greenway along South River Drive, from SW 2nd Ave to NW 1st Street, including Jose Marti Park, with over 100 volunteers from Hands on Miami and MRC
City of Miami Quarterly Meeting: GSC Chair Martin asked MRC staff to continue ongoing efforts to schedule a quarterly meeting with Assistant City Manager Bill Anido to address greenway-related issues. Mr. Badia suggested MRC staff copy Mr. Jose Gonzalez, Office of the City Manager/Transportation, on this email request.
II) New Greenway Development - Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvement Department, provided an update for the following greenway sections:
Spring Garden: on schedule to be constructed in the 2nd quarter of 2010. Per the suggestion of GSC Chair Martin, Mr. Badia agreed to follow up with Mr. Ted Baker, City of Miami Parks Department, regarding necessary tree relocation areas into Point Park and all remaining within the Spring Garden neighborhood parks and or public rights of way.
Miami River Greenway along South River Drive from NW 5-7 Street: on schedule to complete construction engineering documents by July 2010
Mr. Bibeau noted that one of the adjacent property owners, Mr. Orin Black remains willing and able to swap his identified 555 square feet of property needed for the Miami River Greenway to proceed beneath FDOT’s new NW 5 ST Bridge to avoid vehicular conflicts, in return for use of the now vacant area FDOT eminent domained from him adjacent to the Bridge, which he would use for surface parking with FDOT maintaining rights to the area for maintenance as needed and upon request.
Miami River Greenway in East Little Havana along South River Drive from NW 1 St to NW 5 ST Bridge: Mr. Badia noted the construction documents are still at 90% completion as there is a outfall and easement issue that needs to be resolved. Mr. Bibeau cited the GSC January 13 meeting minutes in which “Mr. Badia agreed to investigate incorporating the currently publicly accessible riverfront pocket parks, public right of way owned by Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department where NW 2 ST dead ends into the Miami River and by AT&T where NW 1 ST dead ends into the Miami River, both along the planned on-road Greenway section” Mr. Badia stated he still needs and intends to contact Steve Massie, AT&T, and the Water and Sewer Department about incorporating these currently publicly accessible riverfront pocket park sites, created in partnership with MRC volunteers, into this section of on-road Greenway improvements including trash receptacles, benches, additional landscaping, etc.
Lummus Park: Mr. Bibeau stated in November 2009, flags were placed at future tree plantings estimated to be conducted in late 2009, yet the planting is yet to occur and the flags along the street have been removed while the flags setback only three feet from the seawall remain. Mr. Badia stated the flagged future tree planting locations along the shoreline in Lummus Park should not create an obstruction within the planned 18’ wide unobstructed riverwalk, and stated he still needed to meet with Ted Baker, City of Miami Parks Department, to review this further and determine a new planting estimated timeline and confirmed locations.
Mr. Badia stated FPL has installed the new decorative lights along the Miami River Greenway from I-95 to the southern edge of Lummus Park, and from the northern edge of Lummus Park to NW 6 Ave. Mr. Badia stated the old lights will be removed following a 30-45 day “burning period” for the new decorative lights Mr. Badia stated matching decorative lights would be included in the Lummus Park Riverwalk project both along the riverfront and North River Drive from NW 2 to NW 3 ST, and would inquire regarding the status of the estimated $300,000 possibly made available for the project.
Mr. Badia stated he believed the City’s contracted design and construction engineering documents remains on schedule to be completed for the following four sections of the Miami River Greenway by July 2010:
- South Shore – Neo-Vertika to Miami Ave
- Lummus Park
- South River Drive NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) - NW 12 Ave
- South River Drive NW 5 ST Bridge - NW 7 ST
Mr. Badia stated all previously awarded grants to the City of Miami to build sections of the Greenways remain on schedule to be constructed prior to the dates required by the federal funding provider.
Miami-Dade County $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item: Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Project Manager, and Mr. Luis Cubas, Kimley Horn & Associates (KHA), P.E, will be attending the March 10, 2 PM, Greenways public meeting at 1407 NW 7 ST, to present the 90% complete Miami River Greenways Construction Engineering documents on 6 County owned sites.
Mr. Bibeau referenced the GSC January 13 meeting minutes, in which he had indicated that the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department had provided the following updated, extended, estimated timeline to execute the agreement between the County and Miami Parking Authority, as required prior to stripping the existing parking lot on North River Drive and NW 3 ST, removing the fences, and installing meters for paid public parking:
- December – County finishes revisions to 1st draft agreement
- 1st Friday in January – WASD places drafted agreement on County Subcommittee agenda
- February – MDC Subcommittee considers agreement
- March – April – Board of County Commissioners considers agreement
GSC Chair Martin noted the deadline had passed for MDC GSA and WASD to place the agreement on the BCC subcommittee agenda for a meeting in March, followed by the Board of County Commissioners in April, therefore the County’s previously extended timeline is again being delayed to County subcommittee in April, followed by the Board of County Commissioners in May.
III) Special Projects
Merrill-Stevens: GSC Chair Martin asked for an update on Merrill Stevens Dry Dock Company’s plans to construct a public riverwalk along the Robert King High shoreline, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST and Mr. Bibeau reported that the company is now seeking $14 million vs. the original over $40 million to conduct a smaller scale modernization and expansion at the boatyard, and may still plan to construct a seawall at Robert King High, but would not include a new public riverwalk.
Federal, FDOT, MPO “Transportation Enhancement” grant applications: Mr. Bibeau reported per the request of the City of Miami, he is assisting them in preparing their grant application for $1 million to design and construct a section of the publicly accessible riverwalk and or on-road Miami River Greenway from the Miami Circle/ICON to South Miami Avenue, entitled the “Miami Circle Greenway Extension”. In addition, Mr. Bibeau has offered similar assistance to the Office of Honorable County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro, for the County to apply for a $1 million grant to design and construct a section of the publicly accessible riverwalk at the County owned elderly affordable housing located at 1401-1407 NW 7 ST, Robert King High. Mr. Bibeau noted the grant application will be submitted by the City of Miami before the MPO’s March 5 deadline, but as agreed with the City, he would submit this complete draft grant application to the City by Feb. 22.
Potential Future Park Sites: Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Robert Weinreb, City of Miami, had requested the addresses/property information for riverfront parcels currently for sale, in order for the City to potentially purchase these sites to use as public parks. Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the MRC’s previously reviewed list of vacant sites ideal for public riverfront parks, potentially featuring additional areas for community free vegetable and fruit gardens. Mr. Bibeau added that Mr. Weinreb had indicated that the sites would be considered for purchase by the City of Miami to become new riverfront parks, utilizing unused funding from the Bayfront/Riverfront Land Acquisition Fund, as a match for potential FIND and Florida Ever grant applications, all of which have funds designated for purchasing waterfront sites for public park purposes.
Miami-Dade County Bike Lanes: Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County Public Works recently indicated at a public meeting that the County has available funding appropriated to create additional bike lanes. Greenways Chairman Martin approved the list of future on-road Greenways sections which he recommended the County paint with bike lanes as a temporary safety measure until these to be funded and designed sections of the approved Miami River Greenway route are constructed, which will be submitted to the County for consideration.
IV) New Business
The Greenways Subcommittee confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST
The meeting adjourned.

February 10,2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) held a public meeting as regularly scheduled on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, on February 10, 2010, 2:00 PM, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. GSC Chair Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting, and the attendance sheet is enclosed. The GSC’s previously distributed draft January 13, 2010 meeting minutes were accepted
I. Presentation of Miami-Dade County Public Works Project No. 20070718, GOB for the Master Plan and Design of Miami River Greenways sites - Dr. Martin I. Review of Miami-Dade County’s 90% Complete Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents - GSC Chair Martin welcomed Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Project Manager, and Mr. Luis Cubas, Kimley Horn & Associates (KHA), P.E. Ms. Moorey stated she provided the MRC with the 90% complete Miami River Greenways Construction Engineering documents to construct public accessible sections of the Miami River Greenway on 6 County owned sites using the County’s $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item approved by the voters in the County’s 2003 “Building Better Communities” General Obligation Bond (GOB) issue.
- Site 1: Riverwalk beneath SW 2nd Avenue Bridge on the south shore (page 17)
- Ms. Moorey stated the only ongoing, unresolved issue is the coordination with Latitude on the River’s public riverwalk located immediately west of Site 1, in regards to selecting which plan to improve their riverwalk connection by addressing elevation and layout issues. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, reported at the October 14, 2009 meeting that “the County exchanged emails with representatives from Latitude on the River to discuss the aforementioned 16-inch difference in elevation between Latitude’s riverwalk and the county-owned connector beneath the SW 2nd Avenue Bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted a compromise was reached between the two in which Latitude on the River agreed to lower their riverwalk by 8 inches while the County agreed to raise their riverwalk by 8 inches, thereby allowing the riverwalks to meet at the same elevation.” GSC Chair Martin recommended the MRC support the County’s submitted revisions seeking to widen Latitude on the River’s 2nd draft public Riverwalk schematic design for the area, with a hand-drawn, red-ink correction / request made by Miami-Dade County Public Works (MDC PW), which would result in a wider unobstructed pathway. Mr. Bibeau stated communications remains ongoing with Latitude on the River’s owner, their engineer and construction contractors, Miami-Dade County and the MRC in terms of accomplishing the mutual goal of making the best connection possible between the publicly accessible riverwalk at Latitude on the River continuing west to the County’s “Site 1” and east to “Site 5”
MRC Greenways Subcommittee Chair Ernie Martin noted the City Commission approved a Major Use Special Permit for a development titled “Reflections on the River” with a planned publicly accessible riverwalk on the vacant lot located to the west of Site 1. Therefore Greenways subcommittee Chair Martin made the following additional recommendations for Site 1:
- Removing the western terminus / obstacles on the public riverwalk planned for Site 1, so that when the “Reflections on the River” site gets redeveloped immediately west, Site 1’s riverwalk can proceed west to connect to Reflection on the River’s approved public riverwalk.
- Relocate bench(s) east into the open space and shift 2nd Royal Palm to the west to widen the “western pinch point” near the Bridge tender tower from 5 feet, increasing it to 10 feet and beyond
Ms. Moorey made a note of these three recommendations for Site 1, which she is amenable to.
Site 2: Improving the public Riverwalk on the south shore at the SE 5th Street Metro Mover Station, connecting “Brickell on the River” publicly accessible riverwalk with the existing public riverwalk beneath the Metro-Mover Station
Site 3: Riverwalk on the north shore beneath South Miami Avenue Bridge to connect with existing riverwalk proceeding east and future / approved riverwalk section proceeding west
At the March 11, 2009 GSC meeting, Mr. Cubas noted the existing AT & T telephone vault was constricting the width of the proposed riverwalk; Ms. Moorey reported that since that time, AT & T has agreed to remove as much of the vault as possible.
At the October 14, 2009 GSC meeting, “Ms. Moorey stated she had received verbal confirmation from the adjacent development WIND regarding potentially allowing the county to relocate 3-4 parking spaces to WIND’s 200+ parking garage. In addition, Ms. Moorey stated that although she had been told that the building manager of WIND had not expressed any objection to this concept, she has yet to receive any written confirmation.” Attendees noted the plans do not provide vehicular parking which violates the City Charter’s requirements on riverfront setbacks for surface parking, and there is insufficient space to accommodate vehicles without driving directly on the Greenway pathway.
4. Site 4: Riverwalk on the north shore beneath Metrorail (page 47)
MRC Greenways Subcommittee Chair Ernie Martin recommended the need to establish a connection to the M-Path heading north to the adjacent SW 3rd Street, similar to how the south shore Metro Rail riverwalk connects with the M-Path proceeding south to the adjacent SW 7 Street, and south shore Metro-Mover heads south to SE 5th Street - Attendees discussed re-engaging Miami-Dade Transit regarding making needed improvements to the M-Path (i.e. repairing existing paved path) from the adjacent SW 3 ST to the riverwalk area in site 4, if needed perhaps utilizing any potential left-over funding from the 2003 Miami-Dade County voter-approved Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond (GOB) $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item for these additional improvements within the County owned public right of way on this riverfront parcel.
Ms. Moorey stated Miami-Dade County administration is willing to accept the donation of a small riverfront portion of a larger parcel as offered by the owner, Keyes International (MINT). Therefore Miami-Dade County Public Works is conducting the title searches which are a component of the agenda item they are preparing for the Board of County Commissioners to accept the donation of small sections of additional riverfrontage to complete this planned Miami River Greenway connector. The presented 90% complete construction engineering documents
contain the small areas planned to be transferred by the owners to the County for free in order to construct a continuous public Miami River Greenway on this site which connects to the existing public riverwalk to the west and to the east.
5. Site 5: Riverwalk on the south shore beneath Metrorail (page 48)
Ms. Moorey stated the Miami-Dade County administration is willing to accept the donation of a small riverfront portion of a larger parcel as offered by the owner, Neo Vertika Homeowners Association, which is needed for the pedestrian & bicycle “M-Path” proceeding South beneath Metro-Rail to Dadeland, to the existing riverwalk proceeding west towards site 1 along Neo Vertika and Latitude on the River. Therefore, Miami-Dade County Public Works is conducting the title searches, which are a component of the agenda item they are preparing for the Board of County Commissioners to accept the donation of small sections of additional riverfrontage to complete this planned Miami River Greenway connector. The presented 90% complete construction engineering documents contain the small areas planned to be transferred by the owners to the County for free in order to construct the continuous public Miami River Greenway on this site.
At the October 14, 2009 GSC meeting, “Mr. Bibeau noted he had a copy of the executed Class II Special Permit which required a publicly accessible riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau explained that over half a year ago the proposed child day care center had agreed to remove two parking spots and pull back / relocate fence in order to create the executed Class II Permit’s publicly accessible 13.8 foot wide riverwalk; Mr. Bibeau noted Assistant City Manager Bill Anido stated he would contact the owners and their attorneys regarding this issue.” Mr. Bibeau reported Assistant City Manager Anido recently emailed “the school was issued a TCO, the existing parking lot violates the conditions of the class II permit. We are asking Code Enforcement to inspect and cite the property.” The City of Miami was awarded a $1 million grant for the Miami River Greenway in this area of the south shore extending from Metro-Rail on the west to South Miami Ave on the east. Within this boundary the privately owned riverfront parcels are vacant land and the vacant former Big Fish Restaurant, and the adjacent street is owned by the City of Miami. The District City Commissioner, Chairman Marc Sarnoff, has expressed support for exploring the concept of a similar agreement to those being executed by the County with 2 adjacent riverfront property owners, where in this case the City would use the grant funding to make a public riverwalk in this area with the consent etc. of the private property owners.
6. Site 6: Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) pump station, connecting to North River Drive Greenway and Lummus Park
Ms. Moorey confirmed Miami-Dade County has sufficient currently available funding from the line item to immediately provide the much-needed drainage improvements on this site, which serve Site 6’s engineered future public Greenway and re-open the upland’s existing public (paid) parking lot, with the City Charter’s required setback from the riverfront which will be the public riverwalk area with a landscape buffer facading the lot behind it. The improvements needed to reopen the existing public parking lot on County owned public right of way, such as striping, meter purchases and installations, etc. will be funded and conducted by the Miami Parking Authority (MPA). The WASD estimates GSA will provide the draft agreement between the County and MPA to be placed on the agenda for the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) May subcommittee meeting, followed by the full BCC in June. MPA has provided the construction engineering documents for the improvements they will conduct to reopen the existing lot’s 24 parking spaces, which are greatly needed for the various attractions in the Lummus Park Historic District, including but not limited to Lummus Park, 4 adjacent businesses (including 2 popular riverfront restaurants) along the Miami River Greenway, the Scottish Rite Temple, area residents, etc.
Project Timeline(s)
Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC Greenways subcommittee’s September 12, 2007 public meeting minutes reflect Ms. Priscilla Morales, formerly of Miami-Dade County Public Works, reporting the County’s Miami River Greenway projects on the presented 6 County owned sites using the County’s $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item approved by the voters at referendum in the County’s 2003 “Building Better Communities” General Obligation Bond (GOB) issue, would commence construction in October 2009 and be completed in March 2010. The MRC Greenways subcommittee’s May 14, 2008 public meeting minutes reflect Ms. Morales, MDC, reported the estimated timeline would need to be extended, and the County would commence construction of these Miami River Greenway sections in April 2010. The MRC Greenways subcommittee’s March 11, 2009 public meeting minutes reflect Ms. Moorey, MDC, reported that this estimated timeline would need to be extended again, and construction would commence in August 2010. The MRC Greenways subcommittee’s October 14, 2009 public meeting minutes reflect Ms. Moorey stated the project’s estimated timeline would need to be extended (4th time extension), and construction is now estimated to commence in September 2010. During this March 10, 2010 public MRC Greenways subcommittee meeting, Ms. Moorey stated the County is again delaying construction of the engineered Miami River Greenway sections on County owned properties, and Miami-Dade County’s website indicates construction of this General Obligation Bond funded project is now expected to commence construction on October 19, 2011, which Ms. Moorey stated she believed to be accurate.
Mr. Bibeau noted $1.2 million has been issued thus far for the project (of which $500,000 has been utilized for design services and $150,000 for drainage improvements), leaving a balance of $6.3 million. Mr. Bibeau stated the Board of County Commissioners is expected to approve the next bond issuance in September 2010. GSC Chairman Dr. Martin recommended the MRC suggest the County includes the remaining funding in the approved “Miami River Greenway” line item be included in the County’s September 2010 bond issuance, in order to have the funding to construct the nearly completed $500,000 worth of engineering documents. Dr. Martin recommended the MRC suggest any potential leftover funding from the GOB $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item be utilized to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway at additional needed County-owned sections along the Miami River, consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan adopted by the County in 2001, such as along NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center, and perhaps proceeding around Palmer Lake, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at the County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST.
The GSC thanked Ms. Moorey and Mr. Cubas for their efforts and participation. The GSC confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 2:00 PM, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. The GSC’s February 10, 2010 public meeting minutes were accepted.
Miami River Greenway Governance announced the following two upcoming Miami River volunteer beautification events:
- Saturday, April 24, 2010, 9-11 am: Replenishing plants, pulling weeds and removing litter on Miami River Greenway along Little Havana’s South River Drive, from SW 2nd Ave to NW 1st Street, including Jose Marti Park, with estimated over 100 volunteers from Hands on Miami and MRC. This event is co-coordinated and co-funded by the Miami River Commission
- Friday, April 16, 2010: The Miami-Dade Public Housing Agency will be celebrating Earth Day at Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street. Activities include cleaning the shoreline of the Miami River and its surrounding areas. MRC staff will participate in this event
Mr. Bibeau distributed the following March 24, 2010 letter sent to the Miami River Commission from former MRC Chair, Robert L. Parks, Esq: “I heard that condominiums and buildings on the river whose approvals were conditioned on maintaining a 50-foot setback and public access to a riverwalk are not being enforced. Is this true? If so, what is the Miami River Commission doing about it?” Mr. Bibeau stated he reported to Mr. Parks that the MRC remains engaged in implementing the Miami River Greenway Action Plan.
In the meantime, GSC Chair Martin encouraged selecting and working on a “test case(s)” in which setbacks and public access to the riverwalk seem to be a concern, such as:
- The parking lot on the south shore of the river, immediately east of MetroRail: The Class II Special Permit notes the parking was supposed to be setback 14 feet from the waterfront with public access along the Miami River. Commissioner Sarnoff had raised this issue with former Assistant City Manager Mr. Bill Anido, whom had indicated that Commissioner Sarnoff was correct and added that Code Enforcement would be issuing a code violation at this site. Mr. Anido, as well as the Director of Code Enforcement, have since left the City of Miami.
- WIND/CIMA/MINT/IVY: have installed some decorative pavers and dirt at their riverwalk, but no landscaping, no lighting, no benches, etc.
GSC Chair Martin noted these developments are located in Honorable Chairman Marc Sarnoff’s district, as well as in the DDA boundary.
II) New Development - Mr. Bibeau reported the following recommendations-originally proffered by GSC Chair Martin - had been unanimously adopted by the Miami River Commission at their April 12 board meeting in his absence:
- A resolution for the MRC to recommend that Miami-Dade County include the remaining funding in the approved “Miami River Greenway” line item in the County’s September 2010 bond issuance, in order to have the funding to construct the nearly completed $500,000 worth of engineering documents. In addition, the MRC recommends any potential leftover funding from the GOB $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item be utilized to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway at additional needed County-owned sections along the Miami River, consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan adopted by the County in 2001, such as along NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center, and perhaps proceeding around Palmer Lake, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at the County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST.
- A resolution for the MRC to recommend that Miami-Dade County make the following three minor revisions to the 90% complete Miami River Greenway construction engineering documents:
- Site 1: Remove the western terminus / obstacles on the public riverwalk planned for Site 1, so that when the “Reflections on the River” site gets redeveloped immediately west, Site 1’s riverwalk can proceed west to connect to Reflection on the River’s approved public riverwalk.
- Site 1: Relocate bench(s) east into the open space and shift 2nd Royal Palm to the west to widen the “western pinch point” near the Bridge tender tower from 5 feet, increasing it to 10 feet and beyond
- Site 4: Establish a connection to the M-Path heading north to the adjacent SW 3rd Street, similar to how the south shore Metro Rail riverwalk connects with the M-Path proceeding south to the adjacent SW 7 Street, and south shore Metro-Mover heads south to SE 5th Street
Mr. Bibeau noted he would be representing the Miami River Commission at a Miami-Dade County Transit, Infrastructure and Roads Subcommittee meeting today at 2 pm to advocate that the balance of the voter-approved $7.5 million for the Miami River Greenway be included in the upcoming GOB bond issuance to construct the 90% complete construction engineering documents which the County contracted for $500,000. Mr. Bibeau noted MRC Chairman Eric Buermann had recently submitted a strong, two-page letter to the County Commissioners whom serve as board members of this subcommittee, drawing their attention to the following key elements to consider:
- The draft resolution under consideration at their meeting today notes the requirement to be consistent with “I.O. 3-47 Process for Allocation of Surplus and other Funds from the Building Better Communities general Obligation Bond Issue”. I.O. 3-47 states, “Surplus funds means net interest income and unused proceeds”. The voter approved GOB line item #126, Miami River Greenway’s 90% complete construction engineering documents have not been put out to bid for construction, therefore the project has no “unused proceeds” at this time.
- If after finishing construction of the currently designed 6 County owned sites the GOB’s “Miami River Greenway” line item has remaining funding, the MRC further respectfully recommends the County proceed to create engineering documents and construct the Miami River Greenway on two additional County owned sites per the County’s adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan. (such as along NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center, and perhaps proceeding around Palmer Lake, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at the County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST).
- Recently the State of Florida hired consultants whom created a detailed $750,000 estimate to construct the Miami River Greenway at the Miami circle site. After putting the construction of the design out to bid, the awarded construction contract was approximately $1.2 million, 60% over the estimate.
- In the case before you today the rough ballpark estimate based on un-permitted 90% complete construction documents yet to be contracted for construction, is $6,650,000. The non-existent $850,000 “surplus” is only 11% over the construction estimate, beneath standard contingency reserves. Please note DERM is yet to permit the designed stormwater drainage, which omits deep wells and pumps on the majority of the sites as DERM required to change the State’s plans for the Miami River Greenway at the Miami Circle site.
Mr. Bibeau stated he would reference/raise the aforementioned key items at the meeting today and added he would mention that the County could obtain the money they need from the TEP grant or from the referenced “interest income,” instead of taking the money away from the voter-approved $7.5 million for the Miami River Greenway project.
Mr. Bibeau noted the Palmer Lake Charrette Steering Committee is conducting a meeting today at 3 pm, and GSC Chair Martin stated he and MRC Assistant Managing Director Ashley Chase would be attending. Mr. Bibeau reported that Mr. Marc La Ferrier, Director of Miami-Dade County’s Department of Planning & Zoning, had attended the MRC’s April 12 meeting to express his support of the MRC’s plans, and add that it was not his intent to bring forth any ideas/concepts aimed at contradicting these plans. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. LaFerrier had stated Miami-Dade County would return to the MRC to provide a full report once there is more information regarding the Palmer Lake Charrette and planning process. Mr. Bibeau stated the Palmer Lake Charrette is tentatively scheduled for June/July 2010, and the presentation before the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners is tentatively scheduled for November 2010.
Mr. Bibeau noted it was his understanding that the City of Miami had hired Mr. Johnny Martinez, formerly of The Florida Department of Transportation and the County’s CIP Director, as the new Assistant City Manager overseeing the Capital Improvement Project Director which is working on the Miami River Greenway and Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Clean-Up projects. Mr. Bibeau added MRC board member Horacio Stuart Aguirre indicated during the MRC’s April 12 board meeting that Mayor Regalado would express to the new CIP Director the importance of the Miami River Greenway project, as well as the Wagner Creek/Seybold Canal Dredging project, both of which he supports.
III) Special Projects
Miami Circle: The State has agreed and sufficient funding to include the “riverwalk extension” up to the Brickell Bridge (Alt. #3), and the project should be completed near the end of 2010. Mr. Bibeau stated he would be participating in a conference call tomorrow at 10:30 am to further discuss the progress of the Miami Circle with FL Dept. of State Secretary Kurt Browning.
IV) New Business – GSC Chair Martin asked MRC staff to contact Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvement Department, after the meeting so that he can provide an update of the City of Miami greenway sections.
The GSC confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 10:30 AM, at the Robert King High Classroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. GSC Chair Martin accepted the March 10, 2010 public meeting minutes
I) Requested Update of Approved Public Riverwalk Construction - GSC Chair Ernie Martin reported the Honorable City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado had attended the Miami River Commission’s May 3, 2010 board meeting, and had suggested that he and MRC staff meet with new City Manager Johnny Martinez and his administrative team in order to address Miami River Greenway-related issues. Per his request, GSC Chair Martin noted he, MRC Managing Director Brett Bibeau and two past Presidents of the Spring Garden Civic Association had scheduled a meeting with the City of Miami’s Assistant City Manager today at 4 pm. GSC Chair Martin stated that during the MRC’s May 3 meeting, he was able to bring the Mayor’s attention to the City-contracted design and construction are in jeopardy of falling behind schedule to be completed for the following four sections of the Miami River Greenway, as required by July 2010, therefore millions in grant funding awarded to the City is in jeopardy of being taken back from the City of Miami by the Fed/ FDOT grant providers:
- Spring Garden, North River Drive from NW 7 Ave - NW 12 Ave (B-40643A)
- Lummus Park
- South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Avenue (B-30130)
- South River Drive from NW 1 ST to the NW 5 ST Bridge (B-40686)
- South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge – NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) (B-30336)
- South River Drive 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) to 12th Avenue (B-30651)
GSC Chair Martin welcomed Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvements Department, whom provided an update for each individual greenway section.
- Spring Garden, North River Drive from NW 7 Ave - NW 12 Ave (B-40643A): Construction engineering documents are essentially complete; Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and City of Miami permits are in place; Estimated Timeline: Bid documents complete in one week, project will go out to bid by the end of the month; 30 days from advertising to acceptance of bids; 60 project is on the City Commission approved expedite list; therefore construction estimated to commence in early October 2010, which meets the federal contract deadline of executing the contract by September 30, 2010
- Lummus Park - GSC Chair Martin noted MRC staff continues to negotiate with the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to make the adjacent county-owned parking lot open for public paid parking, which will help alleviate the constant clutter of cars along the Miami River Greenway in that area due to the limited parking in the vicinity. GSC Chair Martin noted the City of Miami appropriated $300,000 for the specific purpose of finishing the half built publicly accessible riverwalk in Lummus Park. GSC Chair Martin reported the City of Miami Parks Department recently emailed this funding
is no longer available and noted he would address this matter during his meeting today with the Assistant City Manager. Mr. Badia stated he was not sure what happened to this funding. GSC Chair Martin noted Mr. Ed Blanco, City of Miami, had reported that the Lummus Landing project is currently being administered by the City of Miami Parks Department and that there was no funding available to finish the formerly pledged 20-foot-wide riverwalk. Mr. Badia stated he recalled the construction engineering documents created by Milian and Swain for the Riverwalk in Lummus, including a cantilevered boardwalk, more trees, walkways, but was unsure of the status of finishing construction of the plans.
Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia for an update regarding the estimated $2.6 million congressional appropriation for the 5th Street Bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated he had recalled Mr. Badia mentioning the possibility of utilizing a portion of that funding towards completing a riverwalk at Lummus Park. Mr. Bibeau asked if this possibility was still being considered, and if so, how much money would be allocated for Lummus Park. Mr. Badia replied he was not sure as he has not received any cost estimates, but added the City was considering shifting a portion of the congressional appropriation composed of the following three sections:
- South River Drive NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) - NW 12 Ave
- Lummus Park - enhancing the existing on-road greenway on South River Drive and installing benches, trash receptacles, trees, signage, etc; funding will not go towards completion of the Lummus Park riverwalk – hired APTC to make construction engineering documents which are 30% complete
- South River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
Mr. Badia noted these segments, to be funded by the Congressional $2.6 million appropriations for the Riverwalk at the 5 ST Bridges, are currently under design with APCT and plans are expected to be submitted to FDOT by June 2011. Since June 2011 is beyond the funding deadline to submit the construction engineering documents, the City of Miami requested FDOT grant them a time extension to submit the completed plans by June 2011. Mr. Bibeau asked if there was a reason why funding was not being allocated towards the completion of a publicly accessible riverwalk at Lummus Park, and Mr. Badia suggested that Mr. Bibeau direct that question to the CIP Director. Mr. Bibeau noted that in 2003, $1.4 million had been set aside to construct a riverwalk at Lummus Park. Soon thereafter, he was told that only $250,000 of the $1.4 million remained. Mr. Bibeau stated the City of Miami Parks Department then received a $300,000 appropriation, which when coupled with the leftover $250,000, marked $550,000 available for the project. Mr. Bibeau stated he had recently been informed that none of this money was currently available. Mr. Badia noted the park portion of Lummus Park is being handled by the Parks Department, while the on-road greenway/public right-of-way is being handled by CIP. GSC Chair Martin stated the importance of re-connecting the western edge of downtown via finishing the half built the riverwalk in Lummus Park in order to bring people to the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau asked if Mr. Badia could forward his request to APCT to include the half-built riverwalk and boardwalk, to comply with the FDEP permit issued to the City, in their design schematics, and Mr. Badia replied that decision would need to be made by the City administration.
- South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Avenue (B-30130) - 60% construction engineering documents; FDOT / federal grant requires the City completed plans and LAP agreement by December 31, 2010, which Mr. Badia stated he believed they would be able to accomplish. Mr. Badia stated he believed the available funding will be sufficient to construct this designed Greenway section. Bidding and construction 1st half of 2011.
- South River Drive from NW 1 ST to the NW 5 ST Bridge (B-40686) – Construction engineering documents will be complete by August 2010, just before the grant providers deadline for the City to submit the complete design to FDOT by September 2010. Bidding and construction to commence 1st quarter of 2011. The current 90% complete construction engineering documents have issues with harmonization and elevation, as well as outfall drainage at an adjacent Miami River business. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia to provide him with the documents City needs signed, so that he can personally reach out to each Miami River property owner in that area. Mr. Badia stated he would provide Mr. Bibeau with these documents and thanked him for his assistance. FDOT / federal grant requires the City’s completed plans and LAP agreement by September, 2010, which Mr. Badia stated he believed they would be able to accomplish. Mr. Badia stated he believed the available funding will be sufficient to construct this designed Greenway section. Bidding and construction to occur 1st quarter of 2011.
GSC Chair Martin noted the lack of clear bicycle path entry signs on both sides of the 5th Street Bridge, and especially at the decline beneath the bridge on NW North River Drive. Mr. Badia noted he would help look into this.
- South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge – NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) (B-30336) – Contracted construction engineering documents is less than 30% complete. $1 million Fed/ FDOT grant awarded to the City of Miami for this section requires plans completion by September 2010, therefore City requested FDOT provide a time extension to allow the City to submit the completed plans by June 2011.
- South River Drive 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) to 12th Avenue (B-30651) - Contracted construction engineering documents are less than 30% complete. $1 million Fed/ FDOT grant awarded to the City of Miami for this section requires plans completion by September 2010, therefore City requested FDOT provide a time extension to allow the City to submit the completed plans by June 2011. In addition to the $1 million grant, the City will use a portion of the $2.6 million Congressional appropriation for the Riverwalk at the 5 ST Bridge in this section.
Mr. Badia stated the previously awarded and appropriated funding is sufficient to construct the aforementioned sections.
Mr. Bibeau stated staff had created a document entitled, “Summary of Approved Public Riverwalk Construction, East to West” following the recent concerns/issues raised by MRC board member Gary Winston and former MRC Chair, Robert L. Parks, Esq that private developers have not honored their commitments to create a publicly accessible riverwalk along the Miami River consistent with the plans approved by the City Commission. GSC Chair Martin noted this ongoing issue has created “gaps” along the Miami River Greenway which have essentially thwarted the MRC from helping create a major destination landscape, and wondered what the best strategy would be to address this concern. GSC Chair Martin noted he would discuss this issue with the city administration.
II. Miami River Greenway Governance - announced the following two upcoming Miami River volunteer beautification events in partnership with Hands on Miami and sponsorships from the SFWMD, Vila and Sons, FL Wood Recycling, and the Community Image Advisory Board:
- Friday, May 21, 2010, 10-1 pm: Replenishing with 200 new plants donated by Vila and Sons, painting, pulling weeds and removing litter on Miami River Greenway in Little Havana along SW 3rd Ave from Jose Marti Park to SW 6th Street -
- Saturday, June 5, 2010, 9-11 am: Replenishing plants and shoreline clean-up at the Robert King High community free fruit and vegetable garden, 1407 NW 7 Street.
III. New Development – Mr. Bibeau reported he had attended Miami-Dade County’s Building Better Communities General Obligation Bonds Issue Citizen Advisory Committee meeting on May 3 to advocate that the balance of the voter-approved $7.5 million for the Miami River Greenway be included in the upcoming GOB bond issuance to construct the 90% complete construction engineering documents which the County contracted for $500,000, and that the “non-existent” surplus not be transferred to another county project, the Commodore Bike Trail.
Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC will continue to advocate for the County to obtain the money they need for the Commodore Bike Trail from a Federal Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) grant, “interest income” or other funding sources, instead of taking the money away from the voter-approved $7.5 million for the Miami River Greenway project.
IV. Special Projects
Miami Circle: FL Dept. of State Secretary Kurt Browning is leaving his position; designs for the publicly accessible riverwalk have been completed and the project is fully funded.
Merrill Stevens: GSC Chair Martin asked for an update on Merrill Stevens Dry Dock Company’s plans to construct a public riverwalk along the Robert King High shoreline, 1401-1407 NW 7 ST and Mr. Bibeau reported that the company is now seeking $10 million vs. the original over $40 million to conduct a smaller scale modernization and expansion at the boatyard, and no longer plan to construct a riverwalk with needed new seawall at Robert King High.
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Creation of Miami River Catalyst Plan: AIA team will examine and develop a vision for the Wind, Cima, Mint, Ivy site, as well as 5 other sites along the Miami River.
V. New Business – The GSC confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 2 PM, in the Robert King High Boardroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. GSC Chair Martin accepted the April 14, 2010 public meeting minutes.
I) Requested Update of Approved Public Riverwalk Construction - GSC Chair Dr. Ernie Martin welcomed Mr. Hector Badia, City of Miami Capital Improvements Department, and Mr. Jose Gonzalez, City of Miami Transportation Coordinator. Mr. Bibeau referenced the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, and asked Mr. Badia and Mr. Gonzalez to present an update for each individual greenway section.
- Spring Garden, North River Drive from NW 7 Ave - NW 12 Ave (B-40643A): Mr. Badia serves as the project manager and provided the following report: Construction engineering documents are complete; Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and City of Miami permits are in place; Estimated Timeline: Bid documents are complete; project will go out to bid by the end of the month (June); 60 days from advertising to receive and evaluate the bids; project is on the City Commission approved expedite list, therefore construction estimated to commence in early November 2010 and be complete within estimated 10 months from then. Mr. Bibeau asked for the deadline of executing the contract, and Mr. Gonzalez replied the LAP agreement has been executed and the construction funds have been encumbered. Mr. Bibeau asked when the encumbered money needs to be expended, and Mr. Badia agreed to provide more information at the July 14 GSC meeting but he does not forsee any problems and believes the funding will be expended by the City before the grant is retracted by the Fed / State for inability to spend the funding in provided timeline (5 years since grant funding awarded to the City of Miami).
- Lummus Park – Manny Mejido is the City’s project manager. Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “GSC Chair Martin noted MRC staff continues to negotiate with the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to make the adjacent county-owned parking lot open for public paid parking, which will help alleviate the constant clutter of cars along the Miami River Greenway in that area due to the limited parking in the vicinity. GSC Chair Martin noted the City of Miami appropriated $300,000 for the specific purpose of finishing the half built publicly accessible riverwalk in Lummus Park. GSC Chair Martin reported the City of Miami Parks Department recently emailed this funding is no longer available and noted he would address this matter during his meeting today with the Assistant City Manager.”
Mr. Bibeau noted the Assistant City Manager was unable to attend the aforementioned meeting, which has since been rescheduled to June 16.
Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “Mr. Badia stated he was not sure what happened to this funding. GSC Chair Martin noted Mr. Ed Blanco, City of Miami, had reported that the Lummus Landing project is currently being administered by the City of Miami Parks Department and that there was no funding available to finish the formerly pledged 20-foot-wide riverwalk. Mr. Badia stated he recalled the construction engineering documents created by Milian and Swain for the Riverwalk in Lummus, including a cantilevered boardwalk, more trees, walkways, but was unsure of the status of finishing construction of the plans. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia for an update regarding the estimated $2.6 million congressional appropriation for the 5th Street Bridge. Mr. Bibeau stated he had recalled Mr. Badia mentioning the possibility of utilizing a portion of that funding towards completing a riverwalk at Lummus Park. Mr. Bibeau asked if this possibility was still being considered, and if so, how much money would be allocated for Lummus Park. Mr. Badia replied he was not sure as he has not received any cost estimates, but added the City was considering shifting a portion of the congressional appropriation composed of the following three sections:
- South River Drive NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) - NW 12 Ave
- Lummus Park - enhancing the existing on-road greenway on South River Drive and installing benches, trash receptacles, trees, signage, etc; funding will not go towards completion of the Lummus Park riverwalk – hired APTC to make construction engineering documents which are 30% complete
- South River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue”
Mr. Bibeau stated he had asked during last month’s GSC meeting “if there was a reason why funding was not being allocated towards the completion of a publicly accessible riverwalk at Lummus Park,” and if there was any way “Mr. Badia could forward his request to APCT to include the half-built riverwalk and boardwalk, to comply with the FDEP permit issued to the City, in their design schematics,” to which Mr. Badia had replied “that decision would need to be made by the City administration.” Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia if he had perhaps forwarded the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes to or briefed the appropriate city staff regarding the suggestion to utilize/shift a portion of the congressional appropriation to finish constructing the riverwalk at Lummus Landing, and Mr. Badia replied he had not been able to have that discussion yet. GSC Chair Martin stated he would like to broach this subject with the city administration on June 16.
Mr. Badia noted the plans for the aforementioned three segments are currently under design with APCT and construction is expected to be completed by December 2011. Mr. Bibeau asked why the city was spending money on an already existing on-road greenway at Lummus Park, and Mr. Badia replied that the actual street (North River Drive from NW 2 ST to NW 3 ST) needs to be re-built. Mr. Bibeau reasoned that Congress had originally appropriated $2.6 million for the riverwalk at the 5th Street Bridge, and since this money is not currently being utilized to address serious riverwalk need at the 5th Street Bridge, perhaps the City should consider utilizing a portion of that money to complete the riverwalk at Lummus Landing instead of rebuilding an already existing roadway and address the riverwalk at the 5 ST bridge as originally appropriated by Congress, and Mr. Badia suggested that Mr. Bibeau direct that question to the CIP Director.
Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “Mr. Bibeau noted that in 2003, $1.4 million had been set aside to construct a riverwalk at Lummus Park. Soon thereafter, he was told that only $250,000 of the $1.4 million remained. Mr. Bibeau stated the City of Miami Parks Department then received a $300,000 appropriation to finish the boardwalk (to allow pedestrian access and boat dockage), which when coupled with the leftover $250,000, marked $550,000 available for the project. Mr. Bibeau stated he had recently been informed that none of this money was currently available.” Mr. Badia stated he did not know what happened to this money.
- South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Avenue (B-30130) – Orlando Misas is the City of Miami’s project manager. currently 60% complete construction engineering documents; completed plans must be submitted to FDOT by December 31, 2010; FDOT then has 6 months to review the plans and then execute LAP agreement by July 1, 2011. If this timeline is not met, the awarded $1 million Fed/ State grant for this project may be taken away from the City of Miami for inability to spend the money within allotted timeframe (5 years since grant funding awarded). Mr. Badia stated he believed the available funding will be sufficient to construct this designed Greenway section.
- South River Drive from NW 1 ST to the NW 5 ST Bridge (B-40686) – Mr. Manny Mejido is the City of Miami’s project manager. Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “Construction engineering documents will be complete by August 2010, just before the grant providers deadline for the City to submit the complete design to FDOT by September 2010. The current 90% complete construction engineering documents have issues with harmonization and elevation, as well as outfall drainage at an adjacent Miami River business. Mr. Bibeau asked Mr. Badia to provide him with the documents the City needs signed, so that he can personally reach out to each Miami River property owner in that area. Mr. Badia stated he would provide Mr. Bibeau with these documents and thanked him for his assistance.”
Mr. Bibeau stated he looks forward to receiving the aforementioned documents, which he noted Mr. Badia had not provided since the last meeting.
Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “FDOT / federal grant requires the City’s completed plans and LAP agreement by September 2010, which Mr. Badia stated he believed they would be able to accomplish. Mr. Badia stated he believed the available funding will be sufficient to construct this designed Greenway section. Bidding and construction to occur 1st quarter of 2011.”
Mr. Bibeau noted the property owner(s) had relayed to him some issues regarding the harmonization agreement. Mr. Bibeau noted one of the property owners had emailed him a copy of the license agreement, which includes a section indicating that the city-hired contractor may block the exit/entrance of the property (obstructing public access and negatively impacting the business) for up to 30 days during construction. Mr. Badia noted that any issues and/or requested modifications to the agreement need to be forwarded to the city’s project manager. Mr. Bibeau noted the property owner had informed the city of this issue at a public meeting at Lummus Park two months ago. Mr. Bibeau asked what would happen if none of the property owners sign the access agreement, and Mr. Gonzalez replied that the project would continue as planned, and any property owners not willing to sign the agreement will have a different elevation at their site (parapet wall). Mr. Badia recommended that the property owner modify the agreement as soon as possible and submit it to project manger, Mr. Manny Mejido, whom will then forward the revised agreement to the Law Department and Department of Risk Management departments for their review. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated she would obtain Mr. Mejido’s email address from Mr. Badia. Mr. Bibeau stated the property owner would only be willing short-term blockages of his site, ie less than 24 hours, not 30 days as stipulated in the City’s provided draft agreement.
Mr. Gonzalez stated 100% completed plans were submitted and the funds were encumbered by FDOT this month. Mr. Gonzalez noted per the City of Miami’s request, the Fed / ST grant had received an extension of time-and not money-until June 30, 2011, and the LAP agreement has been executed.
- South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge – NW 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) (B-30336) – Mr. Manny Mejido is the City of Miami’s project manager. Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2011 GSC meeting minutes, “Contracted construction engineering documents is less than 30% complete. $1 million Fed/ FDOT grant awarded to the City of Miami for this section requires plans completion by September 2010, therefore City requested FDOT provide a time extension to allow the City to submit the completed plans by June 2011.” Mr. Bibeau asked if the extension was requested and subsequently granted, and Mr. Gonzalez replied the city had requested a transfer of $94,000 from the design funds to the construction phase, and if this contract amendment is granted, the completed design plans would need to be completed and submitted to FDOT by December 2011. In addition, if the City’s requested amendment is granted, then the LAP has to be executed and the funds must be encumbered by June 2012. If the City’s requested amendment is not granted, then the currently less than 30% complete engineering documents would need to be finished and submitted to FDOT this month, June 2010. The City expects FDOT to favorably respond and issue the requested amendment this month (June 2010)
- South River Drive 10 Ave (NW 7 ST) to 12th Avenue (B-30651) – Mr. Manny Mejido is the City of Miami’s project manager. Mr. Bibeau cited the May 12, 2010 GSC meeting minutes, “Contracted construction engineering documents are less than 30% complete. $1 million Fed/ FDOT grant awarded to the City of Miami for this section requires plans completion by September 2010, therefore City requested FDOT provide a time extension to allow the City to submit the completed plans by June 2011. In addition to the $1 million grant, the City will use a portion of the $2.6 million Congressional appropriation for the Riverwalk at the 5 ST Bridge in this section.” Mr. Badia clarified that the actual deadline to submit the completed design plans to FDOT is by December 2011, therefore an extension is not needed.
Mr. Badia stated the previously awarded and appropriated funding is sufficient to construct the aforementioned sections. GSC Chair Martin asked if Mr. Badia could provide him with a revised Miami River Greenway Map (depicting all the city greenway segments) that he can present to the city administration on June 16, and Mr. Badia replied he would send him a copy.
GSC Chair Martin and MRC staff thanked Mr. Badia and Mr. Gonzalez for their continued assistance.
Mr. Bibeau distributed an updated “Summary of Approved Public and Private Riverwalk Construction, East to West” following the recent concerns/issues raised by MRC board member Gary Winston and former MRC Chair, Robert L. Parks, Esq that private developers have not honored their commitments to create a publicly accessible riverwalk along the Miami River consistent with the plans approved by the City Commission. Mr. Bibeau stated the summary includes: project name, address, the date when it was reviewed by the Greenways Subcommittee after its approval by Miami City Commissioners (this review was conducted two projects at a time during the monthly GSC meetings, per the request of former MRC Chair Irela Bague), and issues associated with each project. Mr. Bibeau noted the issues range from minor to significant. Mr. Bibeau added this document consists of the “post-construction” review of each project along the Miami River featuring a riverwalk. GSC Chair Martin noted these issues have created “gaps” along the Miami River Greenway which have essentially thwarted the MRC from helping create a major destination landscape, and hoped to discuss these inconsistencies (i.e. construction and enforcement) with the city administration during the upcoming/scheduled June 16 meeting, 3-4 pm, at the Miami Riverside Center, per the suggestion of the Honorable Mayor Tomas Regalado.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had received an email regarding the lack of lighting above and beneath the Brickell Bridge and adjacent street, along the river’s north shore. Mr. Bibeau noted the issue is being circulated among The Florida Department of Transportation, Miami-Dade County, City of Miami and Florida Power & Light. Mr. Bibeau stated the bridge itself is owned by FDOT, but he believed Miami-Dade County was responsible for addressing the lighting issue above the bridge and the City of Miami is responsible for the area beneath the bridge. Furthermore, Mr. Bibeau noted the lack of lighting is negatively impacting the adjacent EPIC, whom recently opened a new restaurant, Zuma. Mr. Bibeau stated he would forward this email chain to Mr. Gonzalez.
II. Miami River Greenway Governance – No updates were presented.
III. New Development – Mr. Bibeau stated he was pleased to report that Miami-Dade County has agreed to leave the voter approved $7.5 million intact for use as intended on constructing the Miami River Greenway. GSC Chair Martin thanked Mr. Bibeau for following up on this issue, and Mr. Bibeau noted he would continue to advocate, on behalf of the MRC, that the completed construction engineering documents for additional sections of the Miami River Greenway be constructed. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works, is scheduled to present the 100% complete design plans to the GSC on July 14.
Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami-Dade County administration had agreed to accept the donation of three small riverfront portions of land from two private property owners (Keys International “Mint” and Neo Vertika Homeowners Association) in order to construct a continuous Miami River Greenway on these sites which connects to the existing public riverwalk to the west and to the east. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County Public Works had informed him that they had finally completed the title searches for these parcels, which are a component of the agenda item they are preparing for the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to accept the donation of small sections of additional river frontage to complete the planned Miami River Greenway connector. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County is now working on the legal description and sketches, which-along with the titles searches, will be incorporated into the resolution being
prepared for the BCC. Mr. Bibeau noted he had asked the county how long this process would take, and they replied they were unable to provide a timeline for accepting the donations. Mr. Bibeau noted he would continue to encourage them to complete this process as soon as possible.
Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County had indicated they would firstly construct the drainage improvements for Site 6 (Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) pump station, connecting to North River Drive Greenway and Lummus Park) including WASD’s parking lot drainage in the Lummus Park Historic District using the previously issued GOB funding. Mr. Bibeau noted the much-needed drainage improvements on this site serve Site 6’s engineered future public Greenway and will lead to the re-opening of the upland’s existing public paid parking lot. Mr. Bibeau noted the improvements needed to reopen the existing public paid parking lot (24 spaces) on County owned public right of way, such as striping, meter purchases and installations, etc., will be funded and conducted by the Miami Parking Authority (MPA). Mr. Bibeau noted the county has turned in their permit applications with the 90% completed drawings for all six sites.
(In an email received by MRC staff after the GSC meeting, Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works, indicated that “the design for the WASD’s parking lot drainage and Site 6 drainage improvements will be completed by end of June 2010. The project bid and award will take 3.5 to 4 months before the construction commencement.”)
GSC Chair Martin recommended the MRC continue suggesting that the County utilize any potential leftover funding from the GOB $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway at additional needed County-owned sections along the Miami River, consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan adopted by the County in 2001, such as along NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at the County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST.
IV. Special Projects -No updates were presented.
V. New Business – Mr. Jose Gonzalez and Mr. Hector Badia, stated the US DOT is opening a second funding cycle for the TIGER Federal economic stimulus grants. Therefore the City of Miami is resubmitting their grant application for $40 million to finish the Miami River Greenway and Overtown Greenway. The City of Miami will resubmit their pre-application on July 16 and the full grant application on August 23, 2010. The grant will be competitive again, with only $600 million available for awards.
The GSC confirmed its next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 PM, publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 2 PM, in the Robert King High Boardroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. GSC Chair Martin accepted the May 12, 2010 public meeting minutes.
Walking Tour along Miami River North Shore
Attendees discussed how the lights on and beneath the Brickell Bridge have not been working for over 9 months. Representatives from the adjacent residences, businesses and the MRC have repeatedly notified FPL, Miami-Dade County, FDOT, and the City of Miami regarding the need to have the lights repaired, noting it is a public safety concern. In reply, the agencies have indicated FPL needs to restore electric service to the lights, followed by the County repairing their street lights on the Brickell Bridge’s north shore, FDOT repairing their mounted lights beneath the Bridge, and the City of Miami repairing their light bollards along the riverwalk.
Attendees noted within this stretch of the public riverwalk, there are the following properties and owners (from east to west), which are responsible for the maintenance of their respective public riverwalk sections:
- Epic Residences and Hotel
- Brickell Bridge, FDOT
- Hyatt, City of Miami owned and leased to Hyatt – unsure if lease terms requires Hyatt or City to maintain this section of the public riverwalk
- James L. Knight Convention Center, City of Miami owned and leased to UM – unsure if lease terms requires UM or City to maintain this section of the public riverwalk
- River Park Hotel
- Fort Dallas Park, City of Miami owned and leased to Bijan’s Seafood Restaurant – unsure if lease terms requires Bijan’s or City to maintain this section of the public riverwalk
- Riverwalk Metro-Mover Station, Miami-Dade County Transit
- One Riverview Square Office Building
- S. Miami Ave Bridge, Miami-Dade County, Department of Public Works
MRC Managing Director Bibeau stated although the MRC is not legally responsible to maintain the public riverwalk, in the spirit of cooperation and teamwork, in July a Miami River Commission volunteer will pick up litter, and paint over graffiti, along this stretch of the Miami River Greenway.
The public meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, July 14, 2010, 2 PM, for a walking tour along the Miami River Greenway’s north shore from the Brickell Bridge to the South Miami Ave. Bridge.
Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the public Miami River Greenway walking tour / meeting. GSC Chair Martin accepted the GSC’s June 9, 2010 public meeting minutes.
I. Review of Miami-Dade County’s 100% Complete Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents - GSC Chair Martin welcomed Ms. Lana Moorey, Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Project Manager, and Mr. Luis Cubas, Kimley Horn & Associates (KHA), P.E. Ms. Moorey stated Public Works has submitted permit applications for the 6 designed County owned riverfront sites to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). Ms. Moorey added Public Works is in the process of addressing permit questions and submitting requested information to these permitting agencies.
The GSC reviewed the most current Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents. Mr. Bibeau noted the GSC had reviewed the 90% complete Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents at its publicly-noticed March 10, 2010 meeting. Mr. Bibeau added the Miami River Commission had subsequently recommended the following three minor revisions to the 90% complete Miami River Greenway Construction Engineering Documents at its April 12, 2010 publicly noticed meeting:
- “Site 1: Remove the western terminus / obstacles on the public riverwalk planned for Site 1, so that when the “Reflections on the River” site gets redeveloped immediately west, Site 1’s riverwalk can proceed west to connect to Reflection on the River’s approved public riverwalk.
- Site 1: Relocate bench(s) east into the open space and shift 2nd Royal Palm to the west to widen the “western pinch point” near the Bridge tender tower from 5 feet, increasing it to 10 feet and beyond
- Site 4: Establish a connection to the M-Path heading north to the adjacent SW 3rd Street, similar to how the south shore Metro Rail riverwalk connects with the M-Path proceeding south to the adjacent SW 7 Street, and south shore Metro-Mover heads south to SE 5th Street”
GSC Chairman Martin and attendees noted the updated plans have been amended / updated to include the MRC’s 3 design recommendations. GSC Chairman Martin and MRC Director Bibeau thanked Miami-Dade County for agreeing to the MRC’s 3 design recommendations in the essentially completed construction engineering documents.
GSC attendees noted the need to improve the remains of the M-Path on Miami-Dade County public right of way administered by the County’s Transit Department, proceeding north beneath metro-rail from the riverwalk on the north shore to the adjacent 3rd Street. Ms. Moorey and Mr. Bibeau stated they asked if Transit could repair that area, and MDT representatives stated they didn’t have the funding to do so. GSC Chairman Martin noted the aforementioned additional area needs to be included in site 4, and if needed, perhaps any potentially leftover bond dollars from the $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item may fund the needed repairs to the M-Path on the north shore from the Riverwalk to 3 ST.
Dr. Martin asked Ms. Moorey if there were any ongoing issues involving the six-county owned sites. Ms. Moorey reported the AT&T telephone vault/box, which was originally constricting the width of the proposed riverwalk at Site 3 (riverwalk beneath South Miami Avenue Bridge), will be partially removed and agreed to follow-up with AT&T. Mr. Cubas explained that due to the concrete columns at Site 3 and a need for a 2-foot clearance, the Public Works Department proposed the creation of two, 10-foot-wide parallel pathways running in each direction. These pathways, noted Ms. Moorey, would connect the existing riverwalk to the planned riverwalk.
Ms. Moorey stated Phase I of Site 6 (Riverwalk on the north shore at Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) pump station) is currently moving forward, and consists of drainage improvements. Ms. Moorey added that Phase II of Site 6 includes the construction of the proposed riverwalk. Ms. Moorey explained the drainage improvements are being conducted in preparation for the on-site public paid parking facility. Ms. Moorey noted that once the drainage improvements have been completed, the riverwalk area will be covered with grass and later replaced with the riverwalk, landscaping, benches, etc once Phase II is carried out. Mr. Bibeau asked for an updated timeline for these improvements, and Ms. Moorey replied Public Works will proceed with these plans as soon as the draft parking agreement between Miami-Dade County and the Miami Parking Authority is approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their upcoming September 9 meeting.
Mr. Bibeau stated Ms. Moorey had reported during the GSC’s March 10, 2010 meeting that the Miami-Dade County administration agreed to accept the donation of small privately-owned riverfront parcels at Sites 1 & 4 (Keys International “Mint” and Neo Vertika Homeowners Association) and that Public Works was conducting title searches for these parcels at that time, which were an essential component for a resolution they were preparing for the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to accept the offered free donation of these small sections of additional river frontage in order to complete the planned Miami River Greenway connectors. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of creating/drafting this agenda item and when it would be presented before the BCC, and Ms. Moorey replied the item is currently at a standstill until the BCC approves the County’s proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Budget in September. Ms. Moorey explained that if the BCC approves issuing bonds for more of the remaining funding balance of this voter approved line item, Public Works can then move forward with the acceptance of the free riverfront land donations. Mr. Bibeau asked if, in the meantime, the County Commission agenda items and related agreements could be drafted accepting the proffered donations of three small slivers of riverfront private property free of charge, which the County included in the completed construction engineering documents.
GSC Chairman Dr. Martin respectfully recommended the County move forward and draft the agreements and provide them to the donating land owners for consideration and execution. Ms. Moorey stated she would forward this recommendation to the Administration. Ms. Moorey noted in the meantime, the private property owners can submit their construction plans.
Mr. Bibeau provided the following current funding update:
- $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item approved by the voters at referendum in the County’s 2003 “Building Better Communities” General Obligation Bond (GOB) issue
- $1,217,334 of bond has been issued to date, according to Miami-Dade’s Office of Community Improvements (OCI); leaving $6,282,666 yet to be issued
- $4.3 million currently on draft budget list; leaving $1,982,666 balance
- Of the $1,217,334 previously issued, $500,000 were utilized towards creation of construction engineering documents for six county-owned sites, leaving a $717,334 balance
Ms. Moorey noted part of the $717,334 in available funding will be utilized towards Phase I drainage improvements for Site 6, and the remaining balance for either Site 1 or 2. Ms. Moorey added that Site 1 is awaiting permit approval from DERM, while Sites 2 and 6 currently have seawall issues. Mr. Bibeau noted the Latitude on the River owner, Karen Fish Will, has emailed the County and MRC regarding her desire to construct the Latitude portion of the designed connector to the 2nd Ave Bridge (Site 1) ASAP.
The following estimated project timeline was originally provided by MDC PW Director Calas in a meeting held 7/15 and reconfirmed by Ms. Moorey:
- Permits were applied for in July
- 90 days for county to receive executed permits (October 15, 2010)
- 30 days to advertise/receive BIDS
- 14 days to evaluate BIDS
- 14 days issue Notice to Bidder
- 14 days issue Notice to Proceed
- Essentially, Advertising BIDS to Issuing Notice to Proceed is a three month process
- Therefore construction Notice to Proceed estimated January 2011
Ms. Moorey clarified this estimated schedule applies for any sites with issued bond funding / available funding. Mr. Bibeau suggested that the county apply to a $1 million Florida Department of Transportation “TEP” grant, of which they are eligible, in order to supplement their current dollars for the project for the additional 2 County owned riverfront sites which need the Greenway per the County’s adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan and related bond line item. Ms. Moorey stated she would investigate this option.
Mr. Bibeau noted that during the April 12, 2010 public meeting, the MRC had recommended that any potential leftover funding from the GOB $7.5 million Miami River Greenway line item be utilized to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway at additional needed County-owned sections along the Miami River, consistent with the Miami River Greenway Action Plan adopted by the County in 2001, such as: along NW South River Drive from the Tamiami Canal, taking a left at NW 25th Street to tie into the Miami Intermodal Center, in addition to significant riverwalk improvements at the County owned Robert King High, 1401 – 1407 NW 7 ST. In addition, the MRC recommended the remaining balance of this line item be included in the September 2010 bond issuance.
The GSC thanked Ms. Moorey and Mr. Cubas for their presentation.
II. Presentation of Florida International University College of Business Administration’s “Real Estate Law” Class Featuring Miami River - The GSC welcomed Professor Suzanne Hollander, FIU, whom will be teaching a Real Estate Law Class at Florida International University on Wednesday evenings, 7:50-10:30 pm. The GSC reviewed the previously provided syllabus, which will cover topics such as: contracts, deeds, property taxes, mortgages and liens, foreclosure and short sales, zoning, and elements pertinent to the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted under the ongoing grant program funded by Miami-Dade County, the FIU students and professors will be provided an educational Miami River boat tour. Professor Hollander attended the American Institute of Architects educational Miami River Boat Tour, and noted it is a great way for the students to get involved and learn more about the Miami River.
Mr. Bibeau noted this item has been placed on the MRC’s Monday, September 13, 2010 meeting agenda, along with a presentation by the University of Miami regarding the creation of a Miami River Design Studio, and thanked Professor Hollander for her presentation.
III. Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin welcomed The Trust for Public Land representatives Greg Chelius, Brenda McClymonds and Karen Brady and requested their guidance and assistance towards finishing the Miami Greenway. Mr. Chelius suggested GSC Chairman Martin contact Peter Foder, general counsel for TPL, to obtain his requested additional information on legal measures and instruments to assist with ensuring various commitments to construct the publicly accessible riverwalk. Dr. Martin noted per Ms. McClymonds recent suggestion, he would be meeting with the Miami-Dade County Parks Department representatives in the near future to discuss the Miami River Greenway.
Mr. Chelius provided an overview of TPL’s mission, which is primarily to conserve land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens and other natural places. Mr. Chelius noted TPL has taken part in over 4,000 projects nationwide since 1972, and was here today to talk about its latest project, “Fitness Zones.” Mr. Chelius noted the Fitness Zones Program, launched in L.A. three years ago, is aimed at making parks and individuals healthier by incorporating fitness equipment to underserved neighborhoods. Mr. Chelius added that fitness zones include 6-8 easy-to-use, custom-designed outdoor gym equipment pieces and offers a range of fitness levels. Mr. Chelius noted TPL works together with the Parks Department, local leaders, etc. to develop a model suitable for the community. Essentially, TPL raises half of the money to create the Fitness Zone, as well as order and install the equipment, and the Parks Department comes up with the rest. Mr. Chelius noted over 30 fitness zones have been installed in L.A. to date and 40 more are in the works. Each Fitness Zone typically costs $50,000, and it takes TPL three weeks to install the outdoor equipment. Mr. Chelius added Fitness Zones have been very successful and attracted significant positive publicity.
Mr. Chelius noted TPL is currently seeking local organizations/corporations to support the creation of Fitness Zones in their neighborhoods and asked the GSC if they had any suggested locations for potential Fitness Zones along the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin and Mr. Bibeau provided the following possible locations: 1) Point Park (great location considering its proximity to the UM / Jackson Health District); 2) Curtis Park (along public riverwalk, north of pool); 3) Robert King High 1407 NW 7 ST. Dr. Martin suggested contacting City Commissioner Wilfredo Gort, whom he believed would potentially endorse this concept in his district (sites 1 & 2).
Mr. Chileus noted public sector cost share’s are important towards securing private foundation cost shares. Mr. Chileus stated TPL was aware of the significant shortfalls in the City and County budgets which will make this new TPL funding request difficult. Mr. Bibeau stated if the fitness zones are considered a component of the Miami River Greenway, the previously appropriated City and County funding to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway maybe cited as the public sector matches, and then the to be raised private sector donations would become available to fund the creation of TPL’s proposed “Fitness Zones” on sections of the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Chelius noted this is a very good option to consider.
Professor Suzanne Hollander, FIU, noted there are a lot of privately-owned parcels for sale along the Miami River, which TPL should consider as a potential opportunity. Mr. Chieleus replied TPL is considering purchasing Miami Riverfront sites for park spaces. The GSC thanked TPL.
IV. New Development - Mr. Bibeau stated he was happy to report that on August 16, 2010. the City of Miami advertised their Request for Proposals (RFP) to construct the North Spring Garden Greenway Project. Mr. Bibeau noted, according to the timeline provided by the City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, bids are due no later than Friday, September 17, 2 pm. Mr. Bibeau added construction is expected to commence 90 days following the acceptance of bids, which falls on December 17, 2010. Mr. Bibeau added Mr. Hector Badia. City of Miami Project Manager, indicated that TECO Gas needs to finish some work in the area before the County’s Water and Sewer Department can re-do the side streets in Spring Garden.
V. Special Projects - No new items were addressed.
VI. New Business – MRC staff distributed a document entitled, “Miami River Commission Coordinated & Co-Funded Volunteer Beautification Events - Upcoming and Recently Completed”.
Mr. Bibeau stated the Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA) created a Waterfront Subcommittee to implement waterfront components from Chapter 2 of their 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan. Mr. Bibeau added the Subcommittee has already conducted one meeting, and one of their missions/goals is to complete the Miami River Greenway.
Mr. Bibeau stated FDOT committed, in writing, their maintenance crew to monthly scheduled (last week of every month) cleaning (i.e. removing of litter and debris) on FDOT owned public right-of-way located beneath and adjacent to several FDOT owned Bridges (Brickell, 1 ST, Flagler, 5 ST, 12 Ave, 27 Ave) over the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted the most recent scheduled clean-up was conducted this week, yet the crew left behind piles of litter and debris. Mr. Bibeau noted he would follow up again with FDOT.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had authored a grant, on behalf of the University of Miami, to complete a 5-mile Waterfront Promenade Study along the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted MPO had awarded $25,000 to the study, and had recently asked Ms. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Dean of UM’s School
of Architecture, for the status of the MPO/UM Interlocal Agreement. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Plater-Zyberk had indicated that UM was currently negotiating the agreement and acceptance of awarded grant funding with MPO.
Update of Lighting Issues at Brickell Bridge: Mr. Bibeau noted FP&L had indicated they believed they have restored power to the fixtures beneath and on the Brickell Bridge’north side, and added FDOT and MDC have therefore been notified that they can send their crews to repair the FDOT and MDC owned light fixtures in order to officially restore lighting on and beneath the Brickell Bridge’s north side, which have reportedly been out of service for over 10 months. Mr. Bibeau noted a Miami River volunteer recently picked up litter and removed graffiti within this area as part of community service hours.
The GSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 2 PM, in the Robert King High Boardroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed.
GSC Chair Martin accepted the July 14, 2010 public meeting minutes and directed MRC Managing Director Brett Bibeau to obtain additional information regarding whom is responsible for riverwalk maintenance under the lease terms between the property owner, City of Miami, and the Hyatt Hotel / James L Knight Convention Center
I. Miami River Greenway Governance and II. New Development - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed and reviewed a document regarding the $6.6 million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway:
1. B-30651
Geographic Area: City amended the Miami River Greenway area for these Congressional appropriations from NW 5 ST to:
- Lummus Park - enhancing the existing on-road greenway on North River Drive and installing benches, trash receptacles, trees, signage, etc; funding will not go towards completion of the Lummus Park riverwalk – MRC continues to recommend including finishing the half built riverwalk in Lummus Park
- North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
- South River Drive from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $2.6 million, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: City contracted firm commencing design (estimated completion March 15, 2011) followed by submittal to FDOT for LAP execution (estimated execution September 15, 2011
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
- Include finishing City’s ½ built riverwalk in Lummus Park
- Finish design (estimated March 15, 2011)
- FDOT execute LAP (estimated September 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
- Execute construction contract (estimated November 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 15, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated December 15, 2011 – October 20, 2012)
Mr. Bibeau distributed an August 12, 2005 document that included the referenced Congressional Appropriations, originally earmarked for the Miami River Greenway as “high priority” items:
- #1089: $1.6 million for the “Construction and Design of Miami River Greenway Road Improvements and 5th Street Improvements”
- #3917: $1 million for “City of Miami Greenway Roadway, Construction and Design of Miami River Greenway Road Improvements and 5th Street Improvements”
Mr. Bibeau noted the two aforementioned line items had included the Overtown portion of the Miami River Greenway adjacent to the 5th Street Bridge, but had not incorporated the Little Havana side. Mr. Bibeau stated, as noted in the summary above, the City of Miami has since decided to divide the $2.6 million among three sections: North River Drive from NW 3 to NW 4 ST, the small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue along North River Drive, and along South River Drive from 10-12 Ave. Mr. Bibeau reiterated that the MRC continues to respectfully recommend utilizing a portion of that funding to finish the half built riverwalk in Lummus Park. GSC Chair Martin recommended convening a meeting with City of Miami CIP Director Alice Bravo to discuss an estimated timeline to complete the riverwalk at Lummus Park, using this federal funding.
Mr. Bibeau noted the grant funding to build this portion of the Miami River Greenway becomes available in the State’s Fiscal Year 2011-2012, which is from July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 to spend the money by constructing the riverwalk section. Mr. Bibeau noted City staff had indicated that, because the City would be meeting a series of milestones in their project timeline, including commencing construction prior to the end of the intended fiscal year, they would probably be granted an extension and would therefore not be at risk of losing the grant funding.
2. B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City request for a one year extension)
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Need to advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- FDOT execute LAP (estimated December 1, 2010)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated December 20, 2010)
- execute construction contract (estimated February 20, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated March 20, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated March 20, 2011 – January 20, 2012)
3. B-30336
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 7 ST
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: City’s contracted firm commencing design, estimated to be completed by February 15, 2011, which will then be submitted to FDOT to execute a LAP agreement, expected to take 6 months and be executed by August 15, 2011
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- Finish design (estimated February 15, 2011)
- FDOT execute LAP (estimated August 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated August 15, 2011)
- Execute construction contract (estimated October 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated November 15, 2011)
Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated November 15, 2011 – September 20, 2012)
4. B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Orlando Misas
Design Status: 60% (as of July 2010 update)
Construction Status: City needs to finish design and advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- Finish Design and submit to FDOT (December 15, 2010)
- FDOT LAP execution (August 15, 2011? 8 months?)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
- execute construction contract (estimated November 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 15, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated December 15, 2011 – October 14, 2012)
5. B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
City Project Manager: Hector Badia
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status:
- City advertised for construction bids August 16, 2010
- bids are due no later than September 17
- construction is expected to commence 90 days following the acceptance of bids which falls on December 17, 2010 - 90 days consist of
- 30 days to evaluate bids
- 30 days to execute contract with selected successful bidder
- 30 days to issue construction Notice to Proceed
- 10 month construction period (December 17, 2010 - October 17, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
1) Execute construction contract (estimated November 2010)
2) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 2010)
Mr. Bibeau noted that per the request of the MRC, whom was unable to consider passing a resolution at its September 13, 2010 meeting partially due to a lack of quorum, he had drafted a letter to the Honorable City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado, thanking him for attending the MRC’s May 3, 2010 meeting and noting that-per the Mayor’s request-he had met with CIP Director Alice Bravo, Assistant City Managers Johnny Martinez and Tony Crapp, Jr. to discuss the progress made towards implementing the adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan. Moreover, the draft letter respectfully requests the City execute multiple action items in order to utilize $6.6 million in Federal / State grants awarded to the City for construction of Miami River Greenway sections (City CIP Projects B30130, B40686, B30336, B30651 and B40643A) in a timely fashion. Mr. Bibeau added the letter will attach today’s reviewed grant summary, which includes further details and needed action items for each specific project and respective estimated timelines. Dr. Martin added the purpose of the letter is to help keep the City “on track” with their greenway projects, so as to expend the awarded Federal grant funding in a timely fashion and not risk losing the Federal grant funding awarded to the City of Miami to construct sections of the Miami River Greenway, which will significantly improve the economy and natural environment.
Dr. Martin noted an additional area of concern remains ensuring that developers fulfill their obligations to construct and maintain their portions of the publicly accessible Miami River Greenway within the private sector. Mr. Bibeau mentioned City of Miami Commission Chairman Marc Sarnoff had held a meeting in the beginning of summer with the Building Director and Assistant City Managers to address this ongoing issue and had directed the administration to report their findings/progress to him once a meeting is reconvened within three-four months. Mr. Bibeau reasoned that, due to the September City budget hearings, the aforementioned meeting would most probably be conducted in October, and he had already contacted Ron Nelson, of Commissioner Sarnoff’s office, to being scheduling.
Mr. Bibeau noted residents are continuing to move into the development Ivy/Mint (Riverfront West MUSP), which is located just west of the South Miami Avenue Bridge on the north shore of the Miami River, despite the fact that their publicly accessible riverwalk, as required in the City approved MUSP and development order, is yet to be completed. Mr. Ed Llorca, Eduardo Llorca Architect, P.A., stated he believed this shouldn’t be allowed, as it does not abide by the legal process.
GSC Chair Martin asked Professor Suzanne Hollander, Florida International University-whom made a presentation last month to the GSC regarding the Real Estate Law Class she is currently teaching at FIU - if she could perhaps examine the legal implications associated with “condo/developer turnover” during her next Real Estate Law Class. Ms. Hollander stated she would be happy to take up this issue during a future class and engage FIU’s graduate students during a workshop she will be teaching this winter.
III. Special Projects - The GSC welcomed Mr. Gustavo Noguera, Director of the Beethoven Society, whom stated he was pleased to announce that the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners approved the four-block Beethoven Promenade Extension, located from the Miami River’s south shore to the Brickell MetroRail Station. He added that no one has four blocks solely devoted to Beethoven. Mr. Noguera stated he would like to have this area be co-designated the Beethoven Promenade/European Union Park and was seeking the support from the MRC. Mr. Noguera noted the MRC had previously passed a resolution supporting the County’s designation of the Beethoven Promenade, which was instrumental in his quest to obtain County approval for the Beethoven Promenade designation. Mr. Noguera thanked MRC Director Bibeau for his long term kind support. Mr. Noguera added he had also obtained preliminary County approval to install European Flags at the MetroRail Station. GSC Chair Martin asked Mr. Noguera to document his progress in writing before GSC Martin considers presenting this item to the full MRC potentially under a future Greenways Subcommittee Report.
IV. New Business – MRC staff distributed a document entitled, “Miami River Commission Coordinated & Co-Funded Volunteer Beautification Events - Upcoming and Recently Completed.” Mr. Bibeau noted the next volunteer beautification event will be held on Saturday, September 25, with 100 volunteers from the University of Miami’s School of Business on the Miami River Greenway along South River Drive, from 27th Avenue to NW 20th Street.
Mr. Bibeau reported the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization 2010 Transportation Enhancements Program Priorities List had been released for funding cycle 2013-2014, and the Miami Circle Greenway Extension Project had been ranked #1, scoring 84.9 total points. Mr. Bibeau noted the $1 million award is subject to MPO approval in late September (deferred to October). Mr. Bibeau stated there didn’t seem to be a funding awarded for Fiscal Year 2014-2015, and then the applications that ranked 6-9 (scoring as low as only 61 of 100) are being recommended for the $4 million in federal TEP grant funding which will become available Fiscal Year 2015-2016. GSC Chairman Martin suggested the MRC support awarding the top 5 ranked applications for funding as listed in FY 13-14, and then conduct another competitive grant application process to award the top 5 point scoring applications for funding from the future fiscal year funding cycle. Mr. Bibeau noted from before 2000-2007 this TEP grant program had annual grant application cycles to distribute one fiscal years allocation at a time. Then no TEP grant application cycles were held from 2007 until this 2010 cycle.
Mr. Bibeau stated FDOT committed, in writing, their maintenance crew to monthly scheduled (last week of every month) cleaning (i.e. removing of litter and debris) on FDOT owned public right-of-way located beneath and adjacent to several FDOT owned Bridges (Brickell, 1 ST, Flagler, 5 ST, 12 Ave, 27 Ave) over the Miami River. Mr. Bibeau noted he had followed up with FDOT regarding the piles of litter and debris that had been left behind by their crew last month, and they returned for a second round in August. The September clean up is scheduled during the last week of the month.
Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami had submitted a TIGER II grant application, requesting $38 million to complete construction of the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau noted the first TIGER grant cycle had $1.5 billion available to award between $60 billion in requests nationwide, yet no applications from Florida received any funding. This year, the TIGER II grant has a reduced $600 million available, making the application process even more competitive.
Update of Lighting Issues at Brickell Bridge: Mr. Bibeau noted FP&L had emailed that they had restored electricity to service the street lights on and beneath the Brickell Bridge’s north shore. Therefore FDOT and Miami-Dade County have emailed they have commenced repairing their broken light fixtures.
Mr. Bibeau noted a way-finding sign and FPL decorative light pole had been knocked over along South River Drive, between 1st and Flagler. Mr. Bibeau noted FPL had recently indicated that they would install a new light, and City Public Works picked up the way-finding sign and will reinstall it at the original location on the Miami River Greenway.
Florida International University (FIU) Professor Suzanne Hollander invited everyone to the September 30, 2010 FIU Miami River boat tour, and thanked the MRC for making the tour possible. Ms. Hollander noted the educational boat tour will provide FIU students and alumni with a great opportunity to learn and become involved with the Miami River.
The GSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The meeting adjourned.

September 15, 2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 2 PM, in the Robert King High Boardroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. GSC Chair Martin accepted the August 25, 2010 GSC public meeting minutes.
I. Miami River Greenway Governance - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, provided an update of upcoming volunteer Miami River Greenway beautification events:
Saturday, October 30, 2010: Miami River north shore, from the Brickell Bridge to the South Miami Avenue Bridge; Volunteers will be painting 1) an artistic mural of the historic Royal Palm Hotel on the retaining wall of the Epic Hotel (facing the riverwalk); 2) the riverwalk gazebos located at the historic Fort Dallas Park; 3) beneath the Brickell Bridge and 4) benches and trash cans along the riverwalk. Volunteers will also be removing litter along this section of the public riverwalk.
Saturday, November 6: Hands on Miami Day: Miami River south shore, from the SW 3 Ave/SW 6 Street intersection to José Martí Park along SW 3rd Avenue, and on South River Drive, from José Martí Park to NW 1st Street; Volunteers will be painting, planting over 250 new plants, and removing litter and weeds
Light Repair Update - Mr. Bibeau reported FP & L had re-confirmed that they had “re-energized and re-provided” power/electric service to the broken lights on and beneath the Brickell Bridge, north shore. Mr. Bibeau explained the lighting fixtures themselves are actually owned by different agencies, such as the City of Miami, Miami-Dade County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Mr. Bibeau noted the City of Miami had emailed the MRC on October 6, agreeing to repair the City owned lights along the Riverwalk beneath the Brickell bridge and continuing west on the City owned riverwalk adjacent to the Hyatt and James L. Knight Convention Center. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami-Dade County’s Public Works Department Traffic Signals and Signs Division emailed on October 7, 2010 that they would be “scheduling their crews to perform the requested repairs to the under deck lights and also the non-operational street light on the bridge within a week from today, contingent on the rental availability of the special ‘lift’ needed to reach the aforementioned lights.” Mr. Bibeau noted FDOT had dispatched a crew to repair some of the broken light fixtures beneath the Brickell Bridge, but there are other FDOT lights still in need of repair. Mr. Bibeau noted he would continue to follow up with the City, County, and FDOT until all the broken lights are repaired and fully functional.
Mr. Bibeau noted he had attended the City of Miami’s Waterfront Advisory Board (WAB) meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, and the board had passed the following two resolutions:
Recommending the City of Miami complete the ½ built riverwalk at Lummus Landing/Lummus Park
Recommending the City of Miami owned sections of the publicly accessible Miami River Greenway funded by $6.6 million in Federal grants previously appropriated to the City of Miami be constructed as scheduled by 2012; In addition, the WAB asked Mr. Bibeau to continue monitoring this item and report updates to the board
WAB Vice-Chair Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated the next WAB meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 9, 6:30 PM, City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive. Mr. Bibeau noted the October 12 meeting was Part II of an ongoing WAB-requested Miami River Greenway agenda item. Mr. Bibeau explained he had attended the WAB meeting back in July to provide a brief overview of the Miami River Greenway project (Part I), and added he had been invited to the upcoming November 9 WAB meeting to present an update of privately-owned Miami River Greenway sections, specifically an overview of current “riverwalk inconsistencies” between the public riverwalk’s approved by the City Commission and what was constructed. Ms. Chase noted the WAB will be inviting the City of Miami Planning and Building Department representatives to their November 9 meeting, and kindly asked Mr. Bibeau to present riverwalk inconsistencies in order for the WAB to obtain a more thorough understanding of ongoing issues.
II. New Development – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, distributed and reviewed an updated document (October 13, 2010 version) regarding the $6.6 million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway:
1. B-30651
Geographic Area: City amended the Miami River Greenway area for these Congressional appropriations from NW 5 ST to:
Lummus Park - enhancing the existing on-road greenway on North River Drive and installing benches, trash receptacles, trees, signage, etc; funding will not go towards completion of the Lummus Park riverwalk – MRC continues to recommend including finishing the 2/3 built riverwalk in Lummus Park
North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
South River Drive from 10-12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $2.6 million, FY ‘11-’12 - July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: City contracted firm commencing design (estimated completion March 15, 2011) followed by submittal to FDOT for LAP execution (estimated execution September 15, 2011)
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
Include finishing City’s 2/3 built riverwalk in Lummus Park
Finish design (estimated March 15, 2011)
FDOT execute LAP (estimated September 15, 2011)
Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
Execute construction contract (estimated November 15, 2011)
Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 15, 2011)
Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated December 15, 2011 – October 20, 2012)
2. B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City request for a one year extension)
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Need to advertise for construction bids – LAP executed 10/8/10
Needed Action Items:
Include 2 riverfront public pocket parks owned by MDC (NW 2 ST) and AT&T (NW 1 ST)
Advertise for construction bids (estimated December 20, 2010)
execute construction contract (estimated March 20, 2011)
Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated April 20, 2011)
Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated April 20, 2011 – February 20, 2012)
3. B-30336
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 7 ST
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Manny Mejido
Design Status: City’s contracted firm commencing design, estimated to be completed by February 15, 2011, which will then be submitted to FDOT to execute a LAP agreement, expected to take 6 months and be executed by August 15, 2011
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
Finish design (estimated February 15, 2011)
FDOT execute LAP (estimated August 15, 2011)
Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
Execute construction contract (estimated December 15, 2011)
Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 15, 2012)
Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated January 15, 2012 – November 20, 2012)
4. B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
City Project Manager: Orlando Misas
Design Status: 90% complete
Construction Status: City needs to finish design and advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- Secure County Commission Approval (estimated November 4, 2010)
- Finish Design and submit to FDOT (December 15, 2010)
- FDOT LAP execution (August 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
- execute construction contract (estimated December 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 15, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated January 15, 2011 – November 14, 2012)
5. B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
City Project Manager: Hector Badia
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status:
- City advertised for construction bids August 16, 2010
- bids are due no later than September 24, 2010
- construction is expected to commence 90 days following the acceptance of bids which falls on December 24, 2010 - 90 days consist of
- 30 days to evaluate bids
- 30 days to execute contract with selected successful bidder
- 30 days to issue construction Notice to Proceed
- 10 month construction period (December 24, 2010 - October 24, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
1) execute construction contract (estimated November 2010)
2) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 2010)
Mr. Bibeau noted MRC staff met with CIP Director Alice Bravo, Albert Sosa (CIP) and CIP staff yesterday to review the above grant summary, and Ms. Bravo expressed her consideration to complete construction of the Lummus Park riverwalk as a part of project B-30651.
III. Special Projects –The item was deferred.
IV. New Business – The following items were discussed:
- Miami Outboard Club Holiday Boat Parade: Ms. Chase reported the Miami Outboard Club is having its annual boat parade on December 18, 2010, 7 pm-11 pm, and will include the Miami River. Ms. Chase noted she is waiting to receive a PDF invitation for the event that she can email to the MRC database
- Mr. Bibeau noted Miami River property owner Orin Black sent an email to the City of Miami, regarding the flooding along South River Drive due to back-flowing through the city storm sewer system. Mr. Black attached a series of photographs taken in front of 377-341 South River Drive. Mr. Black noted in his email that the flooding can lead to utility and infrastructure damage if not addressed, and recommended that the city install baffles on the storm sewer to prevent back-flow. The City of Miami replied that stormwater improvements are being included in the fully funded and designed on-road Greenway in this section, as a component of project B-40686.
The GSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
October 13, 2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 2 PM, in the Robert King High Classroom, 1407 NW 7 Street.
Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. GSC Chair Martin accepted the September 15, 2010 GSC public meeting minutes.
I. Miami River Greenway Governance - GSC Chair Martin welcomed Mr. Albert Sosa, Assistant Director of the City of Miami’s Capital Improvements Program, and provided him with a brief overview of the function and purpose of the Greenways Subcommittee. GSC Chair Martin stated the advisory GSC continues to provide recommendations regarding bringing all riverwalks constructed by the private sector that are inconsistent with City of Miami approvals into compliance. GSC Chair Martin noted City of Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff had taken an interest in this item and had encouraged the Waterfront Advisory Board (WAB) to take up this issue at their publicly noticed monthly meetings. GSC Chair Martin stated Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, has attended all public and televised WAB meetings since July to 1) provide an overview of the Miami River Greenway; 2) Present an update of the $7.6 Million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway; and 3) Provide an update of the “Publicly Accessible” Riverwalks constructed by the private sector that appear to be inconsistent with City of Miami approvals (10 projects). GSC Chair Martin noted City of Miami Planning Director Francisco Garcia and representatives from various city departments attended the November WAB meeting in which Mr. Bibeau had distributed and presented a document entitled, ““Publicly Accessible” Riverwalks Constructed by the Private Sector Inconsistent with City of Miami Approvals.” GSC Chair Martin noted Mr. Garcia had agreed to review the document with city staff, create an “action plan” to bring the projects into compliance and report back to the WAB in December. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director and Vice Chair of the WAB, reported the City had requested a deferral of this item to the WAB’s January 11 meeting, 6:30 pm, Miami City Hall, 3500 Plan American Drive, as they were still conducting research and analysis.
GSC Chair Martin stated he had attended yesterday’s Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s New World Center Committee Luncheon: “Closing the Gaps: Miami Riverwalk and Baywalk,” whose guest speakers included Mr. Bibeau, Mr. Spencer Crowley, Miami-Dade Commissioner for the Florida Inland Navigation District, Ms. Alice Bravo, Director of the City of Miami’s Capital Improvements Program and Mr. Francisco Garcia. GSC Chair Martin reported that all speakers did a wonderful job in providing an overview/status of the baywalk and riverwalk, as well as evaluating the importance of establishing their connection.
II. New Development – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director and Mr. Sosa distributed and reviewed, “$7.6 million in Federal / FDOT / MPO / Grants awarded to the City of Miami to construct the Miami River Greenway – December 7, 2010” and updated / reconfirmed the following with final verification to be provided during the scheduled December 13 monthly call with Mr Bibeau:
1. B-30651
Geographic Area: City amended the Miami River Greenway area for these Congressional appropriations from NW 5 ST to:
- Lummus Park - enhancing the existing on-road greenway on North River Drive and installing benches, trash receptacles, trees, signage, etc.
- North River Drive small gap between the existing Greenway sections at the 5th Street Bridge and 6th Avenue
- South River Drive from 10-12 Ave * BCC firm is in charge of sections A, B and C
- Lummus Landing (riverfront portion of Lummus Park)-Mr. Sosa announced the City is currently soliciting design in order to re-activate site; survey phase expected to start by mid-January and hopes to have design completed by Fall 2011. City intends to utilize original Milian, Swain plan/schematics for Lummus Landing. Mr. Sosa noted this plan included the placement of boat slips and a riverwalk. Mr. Sosa stated he believes an additional $1 million is available for section D, but needs to verify.
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $2.6 million, FY ‘11-’12 - July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012; (Areas A, B &C)
$1 million additional for Area D?
Design Status: City contracted firm commencing design (estimated completion March 15, 2011) (Area’s A, B & C) followed by submittal to FDOT for LAP execution (estimated execution September 15, 2011)
Area D – Soliciting Design Bids – Survey January 2011, complete design Fall 2011
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
- Finish design (estimated March 15, 2011 – December 2010 is 60% complete)
- FDOT execute LAP (estimated September 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
- Execute construction contract (estimated December 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 15, 2012)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated January 15, 2012 – November 20, 2012)
2. B-40686
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 1 ST to NW 5 ST Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY’ ’10-’11, July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 (includes previously FDOT approved City request for a one year extension)
Design Status: 100% Complete
Construction Status: Need to advertise for construction bids – LAP executed 10/8/10
Needed Action Items:
- Include 2 riverfront public pocket parks owned by MDC (NW 2 ST) and AT&T (NW 1 ST) Per Mr. Sosa’s request, Mr. Bibeau agreed to write a letter to MDC and AT &T to request permission for the city to install benches and decorative trash cans in these currently publicly accessible riverfront pocket parks.
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated December 20, 2010)
- execute construction contract (estimated March 20, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated April 20, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated April 20, 2011 – February 20, 2012)
3. B-30336
Geographic Area: South River Drive from NW 5 ST Bridge to NW 7 ST
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Design Status: City’s contracted firm commencing design, estimated to be 90% complete by February 15, 2011, (City received 60% complete in November 2010) which will then be submitted to FDOT to execute a LAP agreement, expected to take 6 months and be executed by August 15, 2011
Construction Status: Need to finish design and then advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- Finish design (estimated February 15, 2011)
- FDOT execute LAP (estimated August 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated September 15, 2011)
- Execute construction contract (estimated December 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated January 15, 2012)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated January 15, 2012 – November 20, 2012)
4. B-30130
Geographic Area: South Shore Metro-Rail to South Miami Ave Bridge
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million, FY ’11-’12, July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
Design Status: 90% complete
Construction Status: City needs to finish design and advertise for construction bids
Needed Action Items:
- Finish Design and submit to FDOT (December 15, 2010)
- FDOT LAP execution (July 15, 2011)
- Advertise for construction bids (estimated July 15, 2011)
- execute construction contract (estimated October 15, 2011)
- Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated November 15, 2011)
- Estimated 10 month construction period (estimated November 15, 2011 – September 14, 2012)
(Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution on December 7, 2010 allowing Miami-Dade County to execute an Inter-local Agreement with the City of Miami for the Miami River Greenway (M Path) SW First Court Project.)
5. B-40643A
Geographic Area: North River Drive from NW 7 Ave to NW 12 Ave
Awarded Grant Funding Available: $1 million now
Design Status: 100% Complete and permitted
Construction Status:
- City advertised for construction bids August 16, 2010
- bids are due no later than September 24, 2010
- construction is expected to commence 90 days following the acceptance of bids which falls on December 24, 2010 - 90 days consist of
- 30 days to evaluate bids
- 30 days to execute contract with selected successful bidder
- 30 days to issue construction Notice to Proceed
- 10 month construction period (January 15, 2011 - November 15, 2011)
Needed Action Items:
1) execute construction contract (estimated December 2010)
2) Issue construction Notice to Proceed (estimated December 2010)
3) Determine Relocated Tree locations within Spring Garden, including Point Park
6) City to issue new CIP Project Number – FDOT provided FM Number
Geographic Area: South Shore from Miami Circle to South Miami Ave
Awarded Grant Funding: $1 million (majority for construction, portion for design)
Grant Funding Available: FY 2013-2014 (October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014) (possibly earlier, design funding becomes available in FY 2012, which starts July 1, 2011)
Design Status: Need to commence design
Construction Status: Need to design before construction;
Needed Action Items:
1) Attempt to get permission for this section to be a riverwalk along the
shoreline, rather than an on-road Greenway along SE 5 ST
2) Hire Engineer to make construction documents
3) Execute LAP agreement (City Commission and FDOT); City will initiate the LAP agreement process with FDOT in late December 2010
4) Hire company to construct this funded section of the riverwalk
5) Construct this section of the riverwalk; Mr. Sosa stated he believed construction would commence in 2013, but needed to verify this information.
Mr. Bibeau suggested improving public access in this segment via the construction of a public 5-foot cantilevered boardwalk at the Capitol Grille. GSC Chair Martin noted this segment is a challenging area, as public access needs to be addressed at the Capitol Grille and adjacent Office Building. Mr. Sosa stated he would like to conduct a site visit with Mr. Bibeau in the near future to analyze the area. Ms. Suzanne Hollander, FIU, noted that if the city runs has difficulty regarding the construction of a cantilevered bridge as a means of improving public access, because the subject property maybe in receivership, the city may petition the court to potentially allow the construction of the cantilevered bridge.
Mr. Sosa stated the City will present the 60% complete construction engineering documents for project’s 30651 and 30336 at an upcoming public GSC meeting.
The GSC reviewed the following distributed “Miami-Dade County Bond Issue $7.5 Million Miami River Greenway Line Item’s County-owned Sites” document.
“County-owned sites with completed engineering documents ready for construction
1) South shore Metro-Mover
2) North shore South Miami Avenue Bridge
3) North shore Metro-Rail
4) South shore Metro-Rail
5) South shore 2nd Avenue
6) North shore Water & Sewer Department site
County-owned sites still needing engineering documents
7) 1401-1407 NW 7 Street
8) South River Drive from Tamiami Canal to NW 25th Street, and NW 25th Street from South River Drive to Douglas Avenue
9) 1175 South River Drive”
Mr. Bibeau noted the new draft bond issuance includes a $4.2 million line item for the Greenway and is headed to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Mr. Bibeau explained that $500,000 has already been utilized towards creation of construction engineering documents for the six county-owned sites (above), and noted that if the $4.2 million is approved, the county will have enough money to construct greenway sections 1-6. Mr. Bibeau added the $2.8 million in leftover funding ($7.5 in original GOB funding-$4.2 million-$500,000) could potentially be enough to design and build County owned sites 7-9.
Mr. Bibeau reported the county has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to construct the drainage at Site 6, which will be followed by the Miami Parking Authority stripe the parking lot, installing parking meters and remove the fence-which will be completed in 2011.
Mr. Bibeau provided an update of each of the ten projects featured in the distributed “Publicly Accessible” Riverwalks Constructed by the Private Sector Inconsistent with City of Miami Approvals.”
- Epic: At the MRC’s December 6, 2010 public meeting, The Honorable Mayor Tomás Regalado expressed his desire to remove the fence located at the EPIC boardwalk which is blocking public access. Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. David Smyth, EPIC, was at that meeting accepting a plaque of appreciation from the MRC for Epic’s volunteer efforts, and hoped the Mayor’s words will inspire Mr. Smyth to ultimately remove the fence soon.
- One Riverview Square: No update at this time
- Riverfront East: fencing and weeds have been removed; new plants and trees have been planted, yet this landscaping will need to be removed in order to construct the previously pledged publicly accessible riverwalk and new sea-wall for which the City has issued a code violation
- Riverfront West: riverwalk has been completed; landscaping and lighting installed
- Brickell on the River: No update at this time
- Day Care: No update at this time
- Neo Vertika: The unobstructed, publicly accessible riverwalk width currently in place would probably be impossible to fix at this point. Neo Vertika still needs to address its seawall violation to connect to M-Path to the east, as well as connect to Latitude on the River to the west
- Latitude on the River: Trying to obtain Latitude and county coordination to connect Latitude’s riverwalk west beneath the 2nd Avenue Bridge as previously agreed
- Terrazas River Park Village: As more and more people are starting to move into the building, the issue of installing a gate in the fence which would be open during park hours only to connect Terraza’s riverwalk into the adjacent Sewell Park maybe feasible
- River Oaks Marina & Condominium: area has been landscaped; yet, no new seawall and no paved public riverwalks per the approved drawings
GSC Chair Martin and Mr. Bibeau agreed to try a meet with City of Miami Planning Director Garcia in December to review the City’s draft action plan to address these issues, which will then be presented to the City’s public and televised Waterfront Advisory Board on January 11, 2011, 6:30 in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive.
IV. New Business – GSC Chair Martin agreed to take the public monthly GSC meetings “on the road” by visiting the river’s condo associations, thereby increasing accessibility and strengthening the connection between the Miami River Commission and the public. As a means to enact this initiative, Mr. Bibeau noted he is working with FIU professor Hollander to create homework assignments with her FIU students-with the first assignment being the identification of Presidents and/or Executive Board Members representing all the condo associations along the Miami River.
The GSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 2 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST. The meeting adjourned

December 8, 2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) conducted a public meeting on Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 2 PM, at the Robert King High Board room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting and the attendance sheet is enclosed. |
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